Miami Dade College Spring 2015 RN Program

U.S.A. Florida


Hi all!

I wanted to start a thread for all of the Spring 2015 MDC RN applicants. I finally finished all of my pre-req's, and have started studying for the NLN PAX RN exam. I am hoping this thread, like many other MDC threads of the past, can help us all to build friendships, support one another, and most importantly, help us through this difficult process. Welcome! :)

Don't feel bad I also have a bad gpa but I still have hope that's there's a spot for me :) and there's also people with low gpa in the program as well so everything will be okay just have hope & faith.

Thanks Yuremaa. I needed to hear the positive thinking. :) Thanks. You made my day :))))

Hi Guys! I am so glad I found this forum! I am also glad I am not alone in this journey 'cause I am so worry/anxious about those coming results!!!

I applied for the full time program two weeks ago. I wanted to wait for the part time option while taking some other classes towards my AA but since there wont be any testing this time I applied now; its just less harder and there is nothing to loose...

Anyways, I am so worry about getting acepted and cant hardly wait; however, I am not sure if I will be able to get in with my GPAs of 3.50 and 3.88 in Sciences. I took some general classes when I came to this country back there in Seattle and didnt really know anything about GPAs and how these things worked; for that reason, those two first classes affected my GPA big time. I tried to raise it but I still feel bad about 3.50. In sciences its not that bad; 3.88. Do you guys think there is a chance for me? I really wanna get into the program so bad ((( I have no idea if those numbers r enough; I am being very positive about it..but I am still somewhat scared lol.. I just hope thats doable ( does anyone knows a person with a similar GPA who got into the program?? Any thoughts?? Thanks for any help or comment.

I really hope everyone in this forum gets accepted; we all deserve this!

Hi Guys! I am so glad I found this forum! I am also glad I am not alone in this journey 'cause I am so worry/anxious about those coming results!!!

I applied for the full time program two weeks ago. I wanted to wait for the part time option while taking some other classes towards my AA but since there wont be any testing this time I applied now; its just less harder and there is nothing to loose...

Anyways, I am so worry about getting acepted and cant hardly wait; however, I am not sure if I will be able to get in with my GPAs of 3.50 and 3.88 in Sciences. I took some general classes when I came to this country back there in Seattle and didnt really know anything about GPAs and how these things worked; for that reason, those two first classes affected my GPA big time. I tried to raise it but I still feel bad about 3.50. In sciences its not that bad; 3.88. Do you guys think there is a chance for me? I really wanna get into the program so bad ((( I have no idea if those numbers r enough; I am being very positive about it..but I am still somewhat scared lol.. I just hope thats doable ( does anyone knows a person with a similar GPA who got into the program?? Any thoughts?? Thanks for any help or comment.

I really hope everyone in this forum gets accepted; we all deserve this!

Hey welcome :) don't worry we're all in this journey together supporting each other, let's stay positive and yeah you have a high change of getting in don't worry you'll be ok I do worry cause I have a 3.1 for both but I'm still hoping for the best.

Thank you so much! I hope we both get in . I am glad you guys are supporting each other, that really helps. Someone was telling me every year is so different and thighs change it really depends on how many ppl applied and I heard some ppl also drops so be positive ... I will try to be positive as well let's keep in touch. I just can't wait for next month to come seems so far . I know I will so stressed around those weeks .

Thank you so much! I hope we both get in . I am glad you guys are supporting each other, that really helps. Someone was telling me every year is so different and thighs change it really depends on how many ppl applied and I heard some ppl also drops so be positive ... I will try to be positive as well let's keep in touch. I just can't wait for next month to come seems so far . I know I will so stressed around those weeks .
me too I'm really stressed out but I guess everything happens for a reason I'm just going to study for the nova entrance exam and get my mind Away from mdc.
Did you apply last semester?

Hey yuremaa. Sorry for the late reply. Yeah I did apply last semester.

Really? I seen a lot of people got in with low gpas like yours don't worry you'll get in this time :)

Thanks for the encouragement yuremaa! Hopefully we all get in.

Thanks for the news BLNurse. That's great to hear. Hope you get in too.

Does anybody know how long is the full time program ? How many months. 16 months ? Or is it 2 years ?

4 semesters, which is about 1 year and 4 months.

Our last semester should be spring 2016.

We should be taking the NCLEX about summer time, and our graduation should be Fall 2016. can someone confirm?

4 semesters, which is about 1 year and 4 months.

Our last semester should be spring 2016.

We should be taking the NCLEX about summer time, and our graduation should be Fall 2016. can someone confirm?

Thanks Ferdre

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