Men in Nursing & Racing


We need more nurses. Less than 6% of nurses are male. Stacy Motorsports is a touring short track racing team owned and operated by Registered Nurses, I drive and my wife is the spotter (uses the radio to tell me how to drive) and both of us are RNs. We use the racing team to help educate males, and others, on the opportunities in nursing as a career. Are there any other nurses in Central Florida that drive race cars? Bases in Daytona Beach but we race at 10 different asphalt tracks in the Central Florida area. Check out our schedule and visit us at the track. We need your help to accomplish our mission.

Please visit "Be A Nurse...I AM!!" for more information.

Excellent site, you guys are doing a great job! :cool:

That is really great. I hope you have a lot of success. Although I am female, one of the most important people who inspired me to become a nurse was a peds nurse I met while volunteering in the hospital as a teenager who happened to be a man. :)

Keep up the good work.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

Fantastic idea guys! Congratulations! You are such positive role models. Thanks.

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