What do you think of this suggestion?

Nurses Men


In another thread discussing whether there is a more "gender neutral" title than nurse, many of the respondents said they were fine with the word nurse but disliked being referred to as "male nurses." One member pointed out that we have a "male nursing" forum and suggested that we change it to "men in nursing."

What say you all?

(No, we will not be considering "fluffy love bunnies" or "hemi-powered, semi-automatic, laser-guided health missles," even though these and several others brought smiles to many faces.)

Specializes in ER/Trauma.

I'm speaking now as a member of allnurses.com and NOT as a "moderator":

I've been "male" since I was born but a nurse only for a few.

Personally, I'm ok with the term "nurse" as a description of my profession.

I am a "nurse". It is what I do.

However, I DO think that "Men in Nursing" relates better than "Male Nursing".

Some might argue that it's all 'semantics'. Still others may argue that it's 'irrelevant' or 'pointless'.

I humbly disagree.

I for one support the change.

Not just because I think it is more appropriate but also because I'm hoping it will encourage many MORE of my female colleagues to chime in with their ideas and opinions. :)

"hemi-powered, semi-automatic, laser-guided health missles,"
You DO know that THAT is going to be plastered on my name badge now, don't you? :roll


Specializes in Rodeo Nursing (Neuro).

Personally, I'm thinking about giving "fluffy love bunny" a shot. Dignity isn't everything.

It does not matter what you call the thread! Lets remember what makes us different than our wonderful bueatiful intelligent counterparts! (not disrespect intended ladies). We are guys and we dont care what we are called! We go to work do our jobs and we dont ***** about the small stuff! :yeah:

Specializes in ICU / PCU / Telemetry / Oncology.

To be quite honest, I did not even realize that there WAS a name change to this forum. If I had not seen this thread I would have never realized Male Nursing was changed to Men in Nursing. There goes to show you how significant or insignificant mind you those little things are to me. As far as I am concerned, a nurse is a nurse and end of story.

I worked years ago with a "nurse who happened to male" who, when asked, "Oh, are you a male nurse?" used to reply v. pleasantly, "No, I take care of females, too." I always liked that response.

I gotta remember that one, LMAO!

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