Memphis UTHSC ABSN for Spring 2021


Has anyone received their invitations to interview? It says we're supposed to receive them by the 31st but I haven't had any communication after that initial timeline email. Just trying to gauge whether I should still be hopeful or not LOL

I saw the housing portal too.  If rent is reasonable I plan to just get a one bedroom.  Based on previous posts the accelerated will or might drive us insane, to add a roommate in the same class oh boy!

Specializes in NICU.

I haven’t seen any posts that had students talking about the program, just ones where they were like us-waiting on acceptance. I’ll see if I can find them! I did reach out to a previous student and she was kind enough to explain some about the program. 

“Schedule varies by semester and day, typically class all day Monday and Friday and labs/clinicals Tuesday-Thursday. Your evenings and weekends will be free (until final semester if you choose to do your internship on weekends). Also on your lab days you’ll only be on campus for a few hours, so you will have plenty of time to study. Just know working while in the program is pretty much impossible, it was very intense! 

I’d recommend the midtown area, or downtown. The area immediately around campus isn’t the safest. I lived in East Memphis myself, which was about a 20 minute commute to school and even less for some of my clinicals.

They do offer a few scholarships but they aren’t for much and you won’t know if your awarded one until the week before school starts. Typically they go to people who have higher financial need, I am married and made too much money so I didn’t get anything. However several of my classmates got anywhere from $1000-$5000 a semester!

I hope this helps and feel free to ask anything else you think of. I know I struggled to find information beforehand and it was very frustrating.“

Hope this helps! 

@simple89 thank you for the advise.  By how hectic the speed is on the program, I can understand no one having time to post online.  They did share a bit of the schedule on the open house and for Spring it is going to be a lot.

Congratulations, All!

Does anyone know if there’s a facebook group or anything to meet people? Have you heard anything about an admitted students info meeting? 
Are you all for sure going here? Do you mind if I ask what solidified your choice for this school? I’m trying to decide between here and one other school. 

Have you all accepted the admissions offer?  

Yeah! I sent my paperwork in this past Thursday and got an email from financial aid on Friday (can’t see it yet because I don’t have a student ID but at least it’s there)

I’ve also accepted! ?

Also waiting on the ID. They said we should be receiving them soon. 

How is apartment searching going? Have either of you decided on a location? I’m leaning towards midtown and then maybe mud island. 

Specializes in NICU.

I accepted! I haven’t gotten anything from financial aid or my NetID/email. I only got a confirmation that both of my forms were received.

I’m still searching for apartments. Most of them won’t know availability for the end of the year until next month. I’m only looking in midtown and downtown at the moment. 

I’m looking at Madison@Mclean and the Bristol on union for midtown area. Everything looks relatively close, but I would love to live nearby other classmates ? 

Where will you all be coming from? I’ve been in Seattle the last 6 years and should be in Memphis by Dec 1!

Hi all, I sent mine in but have not received a confirmation back.  I have only looked online for housing since most will not be able to project vacancies right now.  Once I get the confirmation then I will be able to plan a lot better.

Specializes in NICU.

Has anyone gotten any emails to their UTHSC email account?

I am a UTK alum so it took some time to switch my email domain from UTK to UTHSC. It is finally switched, but I do not have any of the emails that were sent before the domain switch. Just want to make sure I am not missing out on anything! 

I have not seen anything in my email either.

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