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  1. Swedish RN Residency for January and Fabruary 2015 cohorts

    Still haven't heard anything This is so nerve wracking! Anyone else besides uptotheskies hear back?
  2. Swedish RN Residency for January and Fabruary 2015 cohorts

    That's great Uptotheskies! How did the interview go? Was it one on one or in a group setting? Were you interviewed by the managers or HR? Thanks!
  3. Swedish RN Residency for January and Fabruary 2015 cohorts

    I just got a response back from the RN Residency Email and they said they would be conducting peer/manager interviews in early-mid October. Anyone else heard back about an interview. I still haven't heard anything and my job pages only says that my a...
  4. Swedish RN Residency for January and Fabruary 2015 cohorts

    Do you guys know what the general timeline is hiring wise?
  5. Swedish RN Residency for January and Fabruary 2015 cohorts

    I've had some luck with the email. Sometimes a real person will respond, but other times I keep getting the same automated email response with information about the program.
  6. Swedish RN Residency for January and Fabruary 2015 cohorts

    Thanks Uptotheskies! Has anyone been able to get a hold of anyone in HR? I tried calling just to get a name of someone that I could address my cover letter, but I just kept getting transferred to their automated line.
  7. Swedish RN Residency for January and Fabruary 2015 cohorts

    How were you notified that you didn't get adult critical care position? Was it by email or phone?
  8. Swedish RN Residency for January and Fabruary 2015 cohorts

    Has anyone heard back yet for an interview? I submitted mine on the third of September.