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About GodsHands

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  1. B's B's B's discouraged with those illusive A's

    I have taken a minimum of 12 credits since I started. 9 Credit summers and this fall I will finish all general ed courses. This fall I am taking 15 credits. All but 1 are 300 level courses. I did however sign up for pottery. I have to take an art for...
  2. B's B's B's discouraged with those illusive A's

    RunBabyRN I can't figure out how to edit stuff yet lol. I am working on it. :)
  3. I am currently a sophomore in college at Montana State University. I am taking 9 credits this summer as well as the C.N.A program for floor experience (and to get the point toward getting into the BSN program.) I am 28 years old, a mom of 2 and a wif...