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  1. Military Nursing

  2. Military Nursing

  3. Million Nurse March Information

    If you really want to make a statement, write your state cogressmen and senators. When you write, ask for a reply. Continue to do this and your ideas might get better attention. But to work, this need to be done collectively. As a military member...
  4. Million Nurse March Information

    If you really want to make a statement, write your state cogressmen and senators. When you write, ask for a reply. Continue to do this and your ideas might get better attention. But to work, this need to be done collectively. As a military member...
  5. Military Nursing

  6. Military Nursing

  7. Million Nurse March Information

    My response was a recommendation in lieu of the MNM as another avenue in voicing ones concern in general. I am prohibited by law to particapate in the MNM because I am a military officer and therefor a federal employee. I was just offering advice. ...
  8. Million Nurse March Information

    My response was a recommendation in lieu of the MNM as another avenue in voicing ones concern in general. I am prohibited by law to particapate in the MNM because I am a military officer and therefor a federal employee. I was just offering advice. ...
  9. Military Nursing

    Anyone interested in nursing in the military? If you have question, I'd be happy to tell you what I know. I have been in the USAF for 16 years and Nursing for 3 on a catch all floor; ortho, neuro, trauma, & Gen. Surg and the occassional medicine...
  10. Military Nursing

    Anyone interested in nursing in the military? If you have question, I'd be happy to tell you what I know. I have been in the USAF for 16 years and Nursing for 3 on a catch all floor; ortho, neuro, trauma, & Gen. Surg and the occassional medicine...
  11. Feeling like a dummy, re:chest tubes

    I have been working with pluerovac for a couple of years now and stripping a tub is contraindicated because the trancient increase in pressure can so great that in could damage the plural lining. It is also unlikely that you had too much negative fl...
  12. Feeling like a dummy, re:chest tubes

    I have been working with pluerovac for a couple of years now and stripping a tub is contraindicated because the trancient increase in pressure can so great that in could damage the plural lining. It is also unlikely that you had too much negative fl...
  13. Feeling like a dummy, re:chest tubes

  14. Feeling like a dummy, re:chest tubes