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About mtnWoman

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  1. Please allow one quick interview?

    I appreciate your feedback, krisiepoo. I'm still hoping though that someone would be willing to do this for me. I consider each of you to be a real live person even if we are just communicating via the written word. I value the written word, and n...
  2. Greetings, wonderful nurses! Would one of you be willing to answer the following questions for me? Pretty-Please? I'm a nursing student and was just given a paper to write that I want to complete ASAP, and it requires interviewing a practicing nu...
  3. I am also an applicant for WCU's '14 ABSN, and would love hearing any updates / tips you ever feel like sharing, swinglifeaway12. I would love to know what topics I should review or what books I could get a jumpstart on reading before Jan. scwolf...