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About brittany1902

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  1. Cal State Univ, Northridge Accelerated BSN (A-BSN) 2013

    I got ahold of Joanne in the CSUN Nursing Department and she said they have not finished sending out acceptance letters. They expect to complete this by the end of the month!
  2. Concordia University Irvine ABSN Summer 2013

    I got my letter in the mail on Friday. I am waitlisted as well! Did anyone get an acceptance and turn it down? That's my only hope for getting in!
  3. Cal State Univ, Northridge Accelerated BSN (A-BSN) 2013

    beaee - Me too! I hope they are doing it little by little! Looks like they are sending out both Summer and Fall already. Does anyone know if they will send out more acceptance letters if someone declines?
  4. Concordia University Irvine ABSN Summer 2013

    I wonder if they sent them all out at once or if they are sending them out one by one? Hopefully in alphabetical order? I'm at the end of the alphabet! Does anyone know if they send out the letters, wait for the response and then send out more based...
  5. Cal State Univ, Northridge Accelerated BSN (A-BSN) 2013

    I also applied for either, Summer or Fall. However, I did not receive an e-mail.... YET! Anyone else get anything? Hopefulpednurse: would you mind sharing your qualifications/GPA/etc. so I can have some idea of where I stand? Good luck to everyone...
  6. Concordia University Irvine ABSN Summer 2013

    Saturday March 9th was the last interview. They were planning on interviewing 40 people - 5 didn't show up! They told us they are trying to have acceptance/denial letters sent to us by March 18th (snail mail) but they would also send an e-mail just...