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  1. LAC+USC interview new grad RN

    Thank you so much for that, XimenatToledo. =D At least now we know what to expect. I really hope that I will get started right after the orientation. One more question... what color scrubs do you wear at LAC USC?
  2. LAC+USC interview new grad RN

    Yay~! Congrats! It took like two days.. So maybe they will call you tomorrow??? because mine's on Tuesday. I wonder if we start immediately after the orientation ends? I really hope so. Let me know if you get the call~ it'd be so nice if we can atte...
  3. LAC+USC interview new grad RN

    So is anyone familiar with the whole orientation process for m/s? for ie how long it is.. how many hours.. what to expect.. and etc.. My orientation is on next Tuesday@8am. I just got the call yesterday!
  4. Thoughts on LAC+USC

    HI! This is probably off topic. but i found you on the LAC USC new grad topic that was posted. I am a new grad RN and I just got hired at LAC-USC. Im hired as a temp-which I was told that I will be working about 36-38 hours per week, but without ...
  5. LAC+USC interview new grad RN

    @lucky007 Nope, not yet. I did receive my health clearance paper, but it still takes several days for them to process it. I'll probably receive it next week or so~ i will let you know! ^^ maybe we'll have our orientation together?
  6. LAC+USC interview new grad RN

    It took about a week for them to send me the live scan clearance. They schedule u for the health clearance right away once u receive the live scan e-mail. I just went for my health screen last Monday so I'm still waiting for the clearance. I'm gonn...
  7. LAC+USC interview new grad RN

    it took not even a week for them to call me back. I didn't call them or anything since they told me it takes about two weeks for them to decide. ^^ I'm going through health screening as of now. Hopefully I will get the hire date soon.
  8. LAC+USC interview new grad RN

    Thank you!! =D
  9. LAC+USC interview new grad RN

    Thank you! =D Med/surg unit. I am very excited!!!!
  10. LAC+USC interview new grad RN

    I just got a call from the manager that I am hired as a part timer (temporary position) and I am a bit confused about the whole thing!! If anyone knows what the differences are, please let me know. ~~
  11. LAC+USC interview new grad RN

    Hi everyone I was just wondering what the part time shifts are like for the new grads?? Does anyone know??