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About ccstudentpsychnurse

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  1. InfirmiereJolie, while I appreciate your advice and your help, you have no right to judge me or my position. You have no idea what my living situation is like, and comparing my life experience to...
  2. How am I supposed to know how many unemployed nurses are in my
  3. Volunteering and honors program to look better to programs?

    Thank you all!
  4. So, everyone that I've talked to has said that volunteering in healthcare-related places and doing honors classes/being in the honors program (on top of having a good GPA) is necessary to look good to...
  5. to blacksunflower- in CA yes, but you can talk to your financial aid counselor and ask them to adjust it to include off-campus room and board (they know the basic cost of living in the area, so they...
  6. Thank you all for your responses, especially from sadavey since you sound like you were in a similar situation that I'm in. I suppose I'll stay living at home for now, and just keep busy with school...
  7. So, for various reasons, I do not wish to live at home with my mother anymore. Simply put, it's emotionally and mentally damaging to be living here. I'm 20, getting through my pre-reqs at my community...