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About cdg07101114

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  1. Salisbury Accelerated BSN Applicants for 2014

    Here is the link. I hope it works.
  2. Salisbury Accelerated BSN Applicants for 2014

    Hey everyone. I started a group on Facebook called Salisbury University Second Degree BSN 2014-2015. I have never made a group before so I hope it worked. I unfortunately failed one class last semester by 2.77% so I have to re-take it in Spring 2015....
  3. Salisbury Accelerated BSN Applicants for 2014

    slp6, I was trying to upload a pic of my schedule from last semester, but it won't let me for some reason. Anyway, I have typed it up for you instead: Monday: NURS 310 9:00 am – 9:50 am NURS 312 10:00 am – 10:50 am NURS 311 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm [*]Tue...
  4. Salisbury Accelerated BSN Applicants for 2014

    bmoregirl14, I think that you will be ok to buy an apple laptop. I do not have an apple laptop so I can't say this with 100% certainty, but I know that the majority of students who bring their laptop to class to take notes have a Mac Book. I think th...
  5. Salisbury Accelerated BSN Applicants for 2014

    Hey everyone! Sorry I has taken me so long to respond back…I’ve been extremely busy with school since they were trying to cram everything in from the snow days that we had earlier this month. It is finally spring break so now I actually have time to ...
  6. Salisbury Accelerated BSN Applicants for 2014

    That is fine with me...I'd be glad to talk to you more if you have any other questions so just let me know. :) Your prerequisite grades are definitely better than mine were...the others I forgot were Micro: C & Statistics: B. Like I said, they ta...
  7. Salisbury Accelerated BSN Applicants for 2014

    Shorew2013, I am currently in Salisbury University's 2nd degree nursing program (was accepted Fall 2013). I saw your post on our old thread & figured I'd reply back to you on your new one. If you have any questions I would be glad to answer them ...