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About LPNnowRNhopefull

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  1. Here we go.

    @ratlady I also took college algebra online. The course I took used MathExcel and it was excellent! Did I mention that I'm horrible at math. But I found my best help came from YouTube. You can...
  2. Just Quit My LPN to RN Program

    @CLUVLPN - I certainly understand where you are coming from. I have been an LPN for 11 years, and I'm still at my same job since graduation. I love it! But I chose to go back to school at the peak...
  3. FSCJ Summer 2014 Hopefuls

    Hello Everyone, Once you have been accepted into the RN program, you may qualify for WIA Scholarship even if you do not qualify for financial aid. That was the case for me. The program can be very...
  4. FSCJ Summer 2013 Nursing Students

    @abpeeler - Ask all the questions you want! I was in the day program - evening was not even an option for the semester I was in. It was three semesters long - all together about 11 months. It is...
  5. FSCJ Summer 2013 Nursing Students

    Congrats abpeeler for your first of two acceptance letters! I have never had regrets of becoming an LPN first. Being in the RN program now was just the next logical step for me. I know you are...
  6. All FSCJ Spring 2013 Hopefuls

    I also live in Clay County and was accepted while actively taking
  7. FSCJ Summer 2013 Nursing Students

    @ abpeeler I rented my book at the College Book Rack on Roosevelt near Kent Campus. I'm self pay as well. I think it was around $45 - but to buy it was $300+. But the best part is that Dr....
  8. FSCJ Summer 2013 Nursing Students

    @ abpeeler. I just took my final exam yesturday with Dr. Bloodworth at Deerwood for microbiology. You are going to absolutely love her! Let me know if you have any questions. Just turn in all of...
  9. Facebook while on the clock?

    I agree with Rnandsoccermom! Simply do not do it! The job deserves to have 100% of your attention and responsiveness while on the clock. My employer will not tolerate
  10. All FSCJ Spring 2013 Hopefuls

    Just drove 8 hours home from Gatlinburg to receive my packet in the mailbox. I have been accepted for daytime as requested. Congratulations to everyone who got in and fingers-crossed for those of...
  11. All FSCJ Spring 2013 Hopefuls

    @man-nurse2b - Sounds great! Good luck on the
  12. Would you become an RN again if you had the choice?

    @ oldeddieboy - When an individual first enters the nursing field, you work very hard to prove yourself capable and do whatever it takes to get into the type of nursing you prefer. But as people age,...
  13. Would you become an RN again if you had the choice?

    As an LPN for 10 years, who is awaiting acceptence into an RN program as we speak, the answer is a resounding YES! I have paid my dues, so to speak, and feel that I now have enough knowledge and life...
  14. I think the real frustrating fact here is that companies (such as hospitals, LTC, ALFs, etc.) are finding ways to circumvent their way around employing the properly licensed staff. Sometimes, it is...
  15. Dropped pills

    The decision to administer a pill that had dropped on the floor should be based on the circumstances at the time. I deal mostly with the elderly, and they can frequently drop the pills. If the...