carmela mae

carmela mae

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About carmela mae

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  1. Got my acceptance letter!!!!!!!!!!!!

    congrats! i too remember when i got my letter of acceptance. get ready for the bumpy ride. sleep now as much as you can. learn how to apply your makeup in less than 5 mins., maybe because thats about all the time im left with for this task. lol bewar...
  2. if you can, save some of your tax refund. thats the only way i was able to do the program. i saved from a month after i left my job, sept to feb, when i'd file income taxes again. i saved only my monthly rent amount. my bf worked and paid everything ...
  3. How do you possibly study with YOUNG kids???

    i understand just how you feel. my husband does the minimum that i ask of him, if that. my kids are 10 and 8 and do what they do best, bug mom. i could go on and on about my household but its pretty similar to yours so im sure you get it. the only wa...