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About MegMont

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  1. Hello, I am in the same position as have not found work as a new graduate RN. I have a connection at an insurance company and am under consideration for the same position. Would you mind posting how you are doing or sending me a PM. I would be ver...
  2. CRNA vs FNP

    Hello TJFRN, I'm in the same boat as you, as well as age. Can you tell me how your plans panned out and any advice is you have it with regards to the FNP or CRNA route? Many thanks!
  3. SUNY Buffalo / UB Accepted ABSN May 2012

    Hi Kathy, From what I've heard, most of the people in the UB program aren't from the area. A lot of people from this area go to the nursing programs at the local community schools. They are very affordable but associate degree programs. I'm guessin...
  4. SUNY Buffalo / UB Accepted ABSN May 2012

    Hi Kathy, Congratulations! I will be starting the program as well and am also anxious, nervous and excited.... possibly petrified really :-D Where are you moving from? I moved to western New York to finish pre-requisite course work one year ago, f...
  5. Accelerated BSN? Transfer BSN? or Bridge?

    thank you!! unfortunately cheapest is longest..... but finances are very big concern ;-D
  6. Hi! I am looking for nurses in the western NY area who have completed the accelerated BSN at UB (or similar program) to help advise regarding the best nursing program based on a couple of considerations. Any input would be greatly greatly appreciat...