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About Jabramac

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  1. Hate floor nursing but reasonable to get DNP?

    How much of what you don't like about nursing would be improved if you were a DNP?
  2. Its ONLY 115 outside today

    Living in MN I hate our winters, but I would rather take the MN winters then the hot summers of those further south.
  3. The thing people fail to see is that we already all pay for all this care. Some pay more then others, but we all pay. We pay in co-pays, taxes, we pay in by purchasing products from companies that supplement their employees. The real travesty is t...
  4. Noticing a trend here

  5. Quick to pass judgement??

    I think when people die around us, it is human nature to try to find justification. It's a coping mechanism. When we think about the truth, that death can be very random, that people who do everything right in their lives can have really bad things...
  6. Salary in the US vs salary in Sweden

    I think there must be a lot of variability that would make it hard to compare one to one. Cost of living has a huge range in the US, so just comparing one US city to another can be difficult. But comparing the whole US to Sweden has a lot more vari...
  7. ED Volunteer

    Our ER volunteers are not allowed to participate in any activity that might expose them. Not even changing linens. They can put clean linens on a clean bed, but can't take dirty linens off or clean the matress. That said, I'm not sure the type of...
  8. Do you think there will be a nursing "draft" someday?

    Interesting topic. In the last 5 years or so politicians have been discussing instituting the draft again (although, some congressman who have tried to push through the draft have admitted the reason they sponsored the bill was to get a reaction-- i...
  9. Question for ER nurses?????????????

    We get a bonus of $300 a year for CEN, plus we get invited to a special dinner. Aftet taking and passing the CEN test they will reimburse us the cost of it as well. No other pay for any other ceritification.
  10. Ok to take care of family as a patient?

    This happens once in a while in the ER I work at as it is a small town. More often then seeing family is seeing friends and neighbors. Everyone I work with understands if we need to change assignments, swap pts, or maybe just have another nurse do ...
  11. Entitled Generation

    I read an article a while ago (I'v been searching to find it to post a link, but of course I can't find it again) that talked about the younger generation that is entering the work world now and how there is a feeling of entitelement. The author wen...
  12. I graduated before there was a service learning requirement, I think that must have come with the next round of grads. FHCHS is a Seventh Day Advitist school, but the religious componant is pretty minimal. Many chat sessions begin with a short pra...
  13. I graduated from FHCHS in April 07. I loved it. Be there no doubt, it is a lot of work, but doable. I continued to work full time and had my first child while in the program. I was sent down to Mississippi to help with hurricane relief for 2 week...
  14. My only concern w/nursing

    I applaude you for considering the long term financial aspects of these careers. I think what is most important for you is to consider which job you will enjoy doing the best. Interestingly, I have know many teachers who have become nurses, and man...
  15. The 10 most insane medical practices in history

    Fascinating and humerous. Interestingly, though, in school I wrote a research paper on blood letting based primarily on an article written in the late 1700's by Benjamin Rush, a notable physician at the time. Some interesting perspectives of blood ...