

Critical Care

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About RNtoThe3rd

RNtoThe3rd has 6 years experience and specializes in Critical Care.

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  1. Devastated on First Write Up

    Thank you to all the nurses and people who responded; I was very emotional when I wrote and I thank you for taking the time to help me step down from the ledge and breathe and regroup. I do just need to relax. I apologize to the one who I thought I...
  2. Devastated on First Write Up

    Thank you everyone and thanks for the advice. I need to get over it and hoping to get it out of my system soon. I did contact my union rep and waiting for my manager to speak to higher ups. I am just upset because I just transferred here from anot...
  3. Devastated on First Write Up

    I did it. I made my first MAJOR mistake of my nursing career. I mislabeled lab specimens. JACHO mess-up. And now I'm going to get written up. I realized it 1 hours after I did it. The unit was a mess. 10 patients, 3 nurses (Yes, ICU). 2 Nurses ...
  4. CHeck out the local univerity hospitals (Jeff, Cooper, Penn, Hup) and the courses that they offer their nurses--most of the time they open up to outside RNs as well. You will have to pay but you'll earn your CEUs and they are great refresher courses...
  5. DNR Grey Areas

    Thank you all for your support...I had a spare minute to read and I thank you! I have nothing but the utmost respect for doctors and respect for them. However, I am such a mother hen when it comes to my patient's safety I will protect that patient ...
  6. DNR Grey Areas

    Hi all, I am venting because I have to go back to work for the next 2 nights and need support. Last night, I came on my shift. The previous nurse informed me that my future patient made herself DNR/DNI 10-15mins before I came in. Not a problem. H...
  7. Endorsing license to New York

    Sweelin87- I,too, am trying to work in New York from another state and I just received my license in the mail a week ago! I only Mailed Form I, Form II, Child Aubuse Training result, and Infection control results. I sent Form 2 to my school. I did ...
  8. Processing Time Aus

    Hi fellow Nursing Friends! I'm curious, does anyone know an estimate of how long it takes to get your license approved in Australia as a foreign nurse? I'm a CCU/ICU RN with 2 1/2 years experience from the USA working in a city hospital. I already h...
  9. USA RN to Melbourne!!!

    Hey Neeke! I'm a 2 year crit care nurse with my visa already to travel--I'm doing the Work and Holiday visa. I'm just waiting on this Australia License--it's already been 2 weeks! Did you end up going??? How's it like over there? I'm so nervous be...