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About LisaRN1105

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  1. Working with student nurses

    Wow you guys really jumped down my throat over that comment. Lots of you took that the wrong way. I respect nursing students and it is nice to give back. I guess what I am trying to say is sometimes their input/knowledge is very textbook and at ti...
  2. Working with student nurses

    How do you guys feel about working with student nurses? They are helpful but at times irritating to my day. I am always kind and polite to them because I remember how it was to be a nursing student. Sometimes I feel that they have a "know it all" ...
  3. The first time your pt crashed

    I am a new nurse, and during assessment my pt was unresponsive after many attempts to arouse her, for a split second I thought she was crashing. Fortunately she was okay. I was so nervous and scared, I am not sure if I will be able to handle a real...
  4. Just need to vent...

    I'm sorry so many people were insensitive to you about this situation
  5. How to start an IV

    Thank you and I will definitely archive this question.
  6. How to start an IV

    I am a new nurse and am horrible with IVs and blood draws, I almost always miss and I see the vein. Every experienced nurse is telling me they were all like that and it just takes practice. Anyone willing to share some tips/tricks/advice on startin...