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  1. New psych nurse, advice please!

    morecoffeepls, seriously, are you sure we are not coworkers?! :) I am saddened to say that I am relieved that I am not the only person working in the same environment. I am professionally cordial, and professionally friendly, and professionally helpf...
  2. New psych nurse, advice please!

    Blakse I stay motivated because I have financial obligations to my family, banks, federal government for loan repayment, etc ;P Psych is my calling. I go to work, I do my job, and I stay out in the milieu for as much as my shift as possible to be wi...
  3. New psych nurse, advice please!

    man, Blakse, if we still had a forensic unit, I would think that we work in the same hospital!! I can totally relate to everything you just wrote, 100%, and have had similiar told to me. And, here, I thought this mentality was only at my psych hospit...
  4. New psych nurse, advice please!

    Blakse, my first caution would be to not listen to patients. They are on the unit for a reason, and staff splitting is rampant. My second caution would be to be certain that you have administration on your side. When I spoke to MHW's about their use ...
  5. Walden and Regis University MSN program

    I began the MSN-Education track at Walden Sept 2010. Like you, I recall panicking when I found out I had to take a statistics class. It was a lot of work, but I completed the course with an A. It is nursing statistics which made it even more existing...