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  1. Stony Brook Accelerated BSN class of 2013

    Ditto! I am one of Paco's classmates and was waitlisted. I remember my heart sank when I saw that I had been waitlisted, but as Paco mentioned, the program accepted a number of people on the waitlist, even up until the week of orientation! Hang in th...
  2. SUNY Downstate Accelerated BSN june 2011 class

    tomall - Thank you! I will be attending Stony Brook. I was on the alternate list there as well, so to all who are alternates, don't lose hope! :) Good luck to everyone!
  3. SUNY Downstate Accelerated BSN june 2011 class

    tomall - Thanks for the info! Congrats on your acceptance :) I heard back and found out that I am an alternate. I have accepted an admissions offer to another ABSN program though, so maybe that will give some hope to those of you who are alternates ...
  4. Stony Brook BSN - Summer/Fall 2011 Applicants

    Paco - Congratulations!!! :) That is really exciting news, especially since you have been waiting on a response from the Florida schools. Good luck as you make your decision...we're all here for support if you need it. Congrats again!
  5. Stony Brook BSN - Summer/Fall 2011 Applicants

    moocow1213 - Thank you!!! Congrats to you as well! I'm looking forward to being your classmate too :) Awesome, I will search for the group! To all who are waiting - stay positive! I know it's kind of tough to know how to feel when you find out you'r...
  6. Stony Brook BSN - Summer/Fall 2011 Applicants

    Paco - Thank you! I was ecstatic when I saw the change last night, but I didn't want to be too premature either. I can now say that it is for real! :) Wow, so you had a very quick acceptance for law school too! That's awesome. It is such a surreal...
  7. Stony Brook BSN - Summer/Fall 2011 Applicants

    Christine, I spoke to someone at the School of Nursing who said that they always call from the wait list, so there is definitely hope! I also recall going to an info session early last year during which admissions representatives said that they exhau...
  8. Stony Brook BSN - Summer/Fall 2011 Applicants

    Glad to hear you were spared last night! It sounds very frustrating and stressful to not be able to leave work at work, or I guess I should say at home? The monumental day will be here soon! Congrats on all the amazing changes you have made and are m...
  9. Stony Brook BSN - Summer/Fall 2011 Applicants

    Thanks for your well wishes! Yes, there is still hope :) I am definitely very grateful and am staying positive. I hope this message doesn't find you working and burning the midnight/early morning oil once again! One of my friends also spent a number ...
  10. Stony Brook BSN - Summer/Fall 2011 Applicants

    Paco - It sounds like you are well on your way to making some amazing and meaningful changes in your life. Your current job sounds very disheartening...I always hear people say that you know when you've hit your ceiling at your job, but I know it ...
  11. Stony Brook BSN - Summer/Fall 2011 Applicants

    Paco - I'm a fairly new participant in this thread, though I admit I was lurking for some time :) I just wanted to take the time to thank you for all the support that you have offerred to everyone here. Your posts are always so encouraging and positi...
  12. SUNY Downstate Accelerated BSN june 2011 class

    Hi all! Has anyone heard any news from Downstate? Just wondering because there haven't been any posts lately. asr212, maybe they are reviewing in alphabetical order...I'm at the end of the alphabet. I haven't heard anything yet and no changes to my ...
  13. Stony Brook BSN - Summer/Fall 2011 Applicants

    I'm still waiting too...I panicked when I saw the e-mail come in today about the 2-year program. I thought it was news about the 1-year! Good luck to you and everyone else!
  14. Stony Brook BSN - Summer/Fall 2011 Applicants

    Hi again misStaken! I'm so glad that my reply helped to reassure you a bit! Yes, definitely try to call them...if you have trouble getting a hold of someone, I would be happy to stop by the School and ask since I pass by almost every day after classe...
  15. Stony Brook BSN - Summer/Fall 2011 Applicants

    Hi misStaken, Firstly, congrats on your acceptance! I am not a current student in the program (I am a 2011 hopeful like many others on this thread), but I hope you don't mind my reading and replying to your question. I looked up some notes I took at ...