Agape practitioner

Agape practitioner

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  1. Herzing PMHNP

    Hi its tricky. Many pros and cons. The amount of school work is considerably higher than other NP schools I know about...e.g.National university. E.g. adv pharma class: every week: 2 discussion posts with 4 replies (discussion posts are lo...
  2. Herzing PMHNP

    Please, make sure you email to program chair. The more of us let her know, the better.
  3. Herzing PMHNP

    I totally agree. I have emailed to program chair about the insane amount of busy work but got no reply. The busy work does not leave any time to actually study for the weekly quizzes. It takes me 3 days just to get through the busy work.
  4. Herzing PMHNP

    I agree. The workload is way, way, way over the top and the grading is very weird. I am seriously considering transferring somewhere else.
  5. Herzing PMHNP

    Shaddow health has unlimited amount of attempts. Not too many kinks and 8ts well organized but the amount of work for each module is clearly insane and unheard off eg. Adv. Pharma now has each week: 2 discussions, 4 replies, paper assignment 8...
  6. Cox College Advanced Pharmacology

    Hello, I am going to take adv. pharmacology (part of NP Program) at Cox much school work do you have there weekly? Meaning: do you have 1 discussion post, 2 replies, and a test weekly, or do you have papers as well and tests are bi...
  7. Herzing PMHNP

    Yes, starting it on Monday too. I also joined facebook herzing pmhnp group.
  8. Herzing PMHNP

    I am starting it on March 8th as well. My professor is Wilson. I heard its 2 discussion post s, 4 replies total, 1 paper and test each week.
  9. Herzing PMHNP

    Yes, starting next week amd taking both patho and pharma together.
  10. Herzing PMHNP

    Awesome! Huge congratulations! You did it.
  11. Herzing University Post-Master's PMHNP certificate program

    I think we will both rock. How did you learn about Walden s accreditation difficulties and criminal investigations? They didn't tell me. It was a fellow student on this site that gave me heads up.
  12. Herzing University Post-Master's PMHNP certificate program

    Thank you, dear One. That is a great tip to try to get high points at the beginning so that I do not have to work so hard at the end of the class. My advisor said 10-15 hours a week, so that is my plan (at max:). Just hoping its doable. I was thinkin...
  13. Update on Walden's post-master's certificate accreditation

    THANK YOU. You are very kind and caring Soul. I am grateful for your insight and help. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't know anything about Walden s criminal investigation and wasted my time and money there. It looks like I will go with Herzing ...
  14. Update on Walden's post-master's certificate accreditation

    You are very kind. Thank you. I just wish it was less than 24 months and no clinical hours for advanced physical assessment class because it is extra work to find preceptors for non--psych classes during pandemic but others have done it so it must be...
  15. Update on the post-master's PMHNP program? How is everyone doing? Difficulty level? All the best to all of you, Jari