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About JP667975

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  1. Colorado New Grads- Do you have jobs?

    I actually believe that they are looking for a weekend overnight nurse right now, if you're interested. What I've found to help is instead of using e-mail or fax, go and bring your resume in in person. That way, they're kind of "forced" to take a pee...
  2. Colorado New Grads- Do you have jobs?

    Haha...I just wanted to try something new since I wasn't being tied down by school anymore. I knew it was going to be a challenge, but I didn't think it'd be this hard. I was working briefly with adolescents with substance abuse issues and behavioral...
  3. Colorado New Grads- Do you have jobs?

    The problem with me is I have absolutely no connections in this area. I graduated in NY, and moved to CO in July. I still have yet to find a job, which puts me in a difficult situation. When I contacted a medical temp agency, they told me they can't ...
  4. 75 Questions on NCLEX, pass or fail?

    I took my nclex yesterday, and when it shut off at 75 I felt like I was going to puke. I still feel like crap, but I think these tests are just designed to make you feel like that. I had a lot of pharmacology, SATA, psych, and prioritizing. I felt li...