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About diannaangulo

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  1. Horrible unit culture ..lost and confused!!

    How has it been since you went back? Have you tried going to another L&D unit? I am in the same exact boat right now. But the only reason that holds me back is that I am so embarrassed to go back.
  2. Everest?

    yeah the schedule should be out within the next 2 weeks. but no later. i actually did not take A&P at everest so i dont know. however i have known that you take lecture and lab for A&P, but i dont know much plus they changed the circiculum (s...
  3. Everest?

    yay! i cant wait im excited for you. just ask for dianna angulo and il surely be on campus but only till july :)
  4. Everest?

    your schedule will depend on how many classes you are taking each quarter. so if you come in with little or no pre-reqs, expect to have a big workload. usually classes are mondays and tuesdays. and sometimes lab the other days until you have clinical...
  5. Everest?

    Yes, I started in July of 2010. and we graduate in July of 2012. i absolutely love it! the teacher get to know you and do their best to help you pass. there has been times where im freaking thinking im going to fail. and they work with you to better ...
  6. Everest?

    so are you going to start at everest in the summer?