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About tajlemm6

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  1. Bad preceptorship assignment

    I think a lot of people don't read the posts and jump in- otherwise I wouldn't answer the same question over and over. Disagree all you want, doesn't bother me any.
  2. Bad preceptorship assignment

    I don't have anger issues. I wasn't angry- I was asking a question. Why did she ask if it was alright if she wasn't going to offer to work with me?
  3. Bad preceptorship assignment

    I have excellent critical thinking skills and excellent grades in clinical. And I am old enough to have 2other children in high school. Maybe you all need to work on your therapeutic communication instead of ripping fellow students apart- be encourag...
  4. Bad preceptorship assignment

    Again- this has nothing to do with not liking behavioral health. It has to do with opportunity to learn clinical skills. In a program where I have only had 8 clinical days, this is a needed opportunity to learn. Behavioral is just a pit stop to a tre...
  5. Bad preceptorship assignment

    I have explained already that when we made the list I was not told they only take medically stable patients. Everyone goes to the hospital for detox, etc and then comes to behavioral until they can be placed at a treatment facility. Didn't know this ...
  6. Bad preceptorship assignment

    At the time we made choices I did not know that they only take patients that are stable. Patients are kept at the hospital until then. I fully admit I made a mistake putting that as a choice without knowing the detail. I only wanted the opportunity f...
  7. Bad preceptorship assignment

    it is not that I like or don't like psych. It is that I will only be shadowing the nurse and didn't know that when picks were made. I just want the opportunity to learn some clinical skills. And I am very ticked that we were not told this would be ...
  8. Bad preceptorship assignment

    Unfortunately none of you know the entire story of what has gone on in our nursing program or you would see that I am not acting entitled or bratty. She went back on her word because it was more convenient for her to do things this way. She knows ...
  9. Bad preceptorship assignment

    I am fairly posititve that this was any eas way out for her. She know's that I will not complain and that I am stuck because of my age and family. I have asked for an explanation of how spots were assigned and for the opportunity to meet with her a...
  10. Bad preceptorship assignment

    I know all about life not being fair! My youngest daughter is one of those seriously ill patients that could be taken from us at any time. The future is beyond importnant to me. Without a future I will not be able to contintue to have care for her ...
  11. Bad preceptorship assignment

    It was my LAST option, which I was promised they would work hard to get me my first or second at least. And they cheated me out of those choices to take the easy way out of getting everyone placement. Yes it sounds bad, but I worked hard for all o...
  12. Bad preceptorship assignment

    I am sorry you think I am acting like an entitled brat. You have no clue how far from the truth that could be. I am married with four children and have balanced a lot to make this happen and be at the top of my class. We have been given crap clinic...
  13. Bad preceptorship assignment

    Despite being at the top of my class (I have straight A's) I was passed up for my first two choices of preceptor assignment and given my thirs- which I obviously didn't really want! The only explaination I was given was that spots were tight and it ...