Michael Leonard

Michael Leonard

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  1. All About the NET

    The best prep that I've been able to find was the study guide Pass the Net the First Time by Dr. Nancy Kimmel. It covers the NET in a more comprehensive way than any other publication I've found. All the sections of the exam were represented in one b...
  2. HESI

    The best prep that I've been able to find was the study guide Pass the Net the First Time by Dr. Nancy Kimmel. It covers the HESI in a more comprehensive way than any other publication I've found. It was easy to find, I know its available on Amazon. ...
  3. Losing Hope Need Advice

    Hey csmacklin, I know how you feel math was my weakest subject; it has been my whole life. I was pulling out my hair trying to figure out what to do. The best resource I found was a book titled Pass the Net the First time by Dr. Nancy Kimmel. The mat...