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About ellaine_02

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  1. How to pay NMC application fee for overseas nurses

    Hi anna_potter, have u pursue ur Gv application??? I also attended their orientation before......
  2. How to pay NMC application fee for overseas nurses

    Hi cycyzie i just wanna asked what type of visa did u used to get in UK?? I hope ul find your placement soon.. Godbless po..
  3. ONP uk matters

    Good day every one.. I would like to know bout what do i need ot fill in regarding post qualifying qualifications at NMC pack 2... is it post grad educ or trainings done after registration?? thank you!! Godbless!!
  4. UK student visa and ONP (NMC)

    Im trying to find the thread bout how to complete the data needed for the pack two but i cant see it, what is required about the post qualifying qualifications?? are these trainings held or post grad educ?? thanks alot!!
  5. UK student visa and ONP (NMC)

    thank you so much!!! GOdbless you more =)
  6. UK student visa and ONP (NMC)

    Hi silver dragon..... I just want to ask, when im about to send the required docus for NMC pack 2. is it ok to send it all together in one package?/ I mean the docus from the skul, the hospital?/ and your diplomas?? or i need to send it separatel...
  7. UK student visa and ONP (NMC)

    good day every one.... I want to ask if under student visa foreign nurse can undergo ONP?? cause there's an agency in the phil. that is saying that to go to uk a nurse can be unde a tier4 visa then after the pin has been issued then thats the time t...
  8. How to pay NMC application fee for overseas nurses

    i think ill just use the easiest method like what u've said ^^ thanks alot!! Ur such a great help!!! Godbless you!!!
  9. How to pay NMC application fee for overseas nurses

    thank you so much Sir haroldleighton... Is there any other way on how i can send my fee then?? like bank draft?/ or it is only limited through credit card?? and if it is only thrugh card can i already call them even my request form is still on its wa...
  10. How to pay NMC application fee for overseas nurses

    Good day every1.. Im also a nurse from the Philippines and im currently processing my NMC application.. I would like to ask po sana how can I pay for the 140 pounds in order to request for the pack 2.. I hope sumone can give me the site on how I can ...