

Developmental and Peds with disabilities

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About Katie803

Katie803 specializes in Developmental and Peds with disabilities.

23, nursing student, mother of beautiful and mischevious 2 year old girl, passion for caring

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  1. Midlands Technical College Nursing Student

    Hey, we must be in the some of the same classes! PM me your name, I bet we know each other. OB and Peds isn't bad, I actually liked Mrs. Stokes (though sometime she can space out on you) Mrs. Ciuca is...stern, to say the least. Just do your pre-clini...
  2. Midlands Technical College Nursing Student

    Unfortunately, they usually don't post the specific teacher's sections until after registration, and you have to register AS SOON AS IT OPENS! I mean seriously, have everything you want picked out and ready to go, then when it opens at 8:00 am, be cl...
  3. IMPORTANT UPDATE: The amount of support from the people who have read this was overwhelming and GREATLY encouraged me. I am back in clinicals now, having just started back to where I left off this semester. Everything is going wonderfully, a...
  4. Midlands Technical College Nursing Student

    For pharm you should be able to choose your teacher. I had Mrs. Kennedy and I aced it. Her tests are EXACTLY what is in her study guides. BUT DO NOT TAKE IT ONLINE IF YOU CAN HELP IT! It's a lot of busy work. I didn't even use my book but 1 time for ...
  5. Community College? You must be stupid.

    yeah, sorry, accidentally pressed send before I was done. I agree though. Please see my revised answer above
  6. Community College? You must be stupid.

    Geez! what a can of worms this has opened! I think that anyone going for Nursing should choose whether to go for an ADN at a CC or a BSN at a University BASED ON THE CREDENTIALS OF THE COLLEGE, THE PERCENTAGE OF THOSE PASSING THE NCLEX OF EITHER COLL...
  7. Help with med calculation please

    I know sometimes dr's will teach family how to give injections, have you learned this yet? this is a certain technique to it, otherwise it could have uncomfortable results for your grandma. or maybe you have experience from another place? if she insi...
  8. Student RN needing help!

    Does it absolutely have to be a working RN? I am a student in my second clinical semester, but I have a REALLY good example of ethical dilemma that I encountered during my first semester. I was working in a state nursing home that had a lot of patien...
  9. I'm curious as to what the protocol is for quoting a patient and "politely" documenting refusal, etc? For example, one of my previous nursing teachers said that she doesn't like to use "Pt refused" in her documentation because it sometimes makes the ...
  10. Gosh you guys, thanks so much for all the support! I got teary eyed reading all of the posts, and to anyone reading this post now, the more encouragement and stories you share, the more you can help not only me but others who can relate to my situati...
  11. thank you, rn4weeones. Let me also add that I do not take my mistake lightly, I am well aware that a miscalculation in medical dosaging can be dangerous and even deadly, but I am also very upset by the fact that it was because I didn't round up to a ...
  12. :nuke: Hello all. I am 23 year old student and mother of a toddler. I have been in school for two and a half years and have finally reached my second clinical semester...well, was in it anyway. I failed the drug calculations quiz for the third tim...
  13. Wow, really? That's terrible, why would you sue your friend for saving your life? I didn't mean to come off as rude, really, I was just clarifying the law for some who may be curious about it. My state takes the Good Samiritan law very seriousy. My m...
  14. Please see the definition of Good Samaritan law and keep in mind each state has a different variation. in my state, if you are caught not helping in an emergency, your license will be suspended or revoked. Police officers and firefighters can be fire...
  15. I don't know about identifying yourself on a card, I would assume it was a personal preference really, but I do know about the Good Samaritan laws that protect you if you assist in any medical situation from being sued. As long as you don't do anythi...