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About LuVnLpN08

LuVnLpN08 has 1 years experience.

been a nurse for a little over a year, work in LTC/SNF facility and love it..

Latest Activity

  1. Does anyone LOVE Geriatrics?

    I love the geriatric population. I have been an LPn for 3 years now and i have worked in LTC since i graduated and i absolutley love it! I am starting school for my RN next week & everyone at my job keeps asking me where im going when i finish sc...
  2. Germanna Program students??

    Congrats! I will also be starting in Summer 2011 at GCC for lpn -rn :)
  3. I am proud to be a nurse

    So to make a really long story semi short, We had a very sick person come to our SNF/LTC facility maybe a month or a month and a half ago...this person had a muscle disease that they have been battleing for many years now. Came to our facility from t...
  4. Question regarding Lasix and Bumetanide

    Thanks! I dont know why, but the pharmacy ALWAYS slips my mind. I guess its just not a habit for me. Perhaps I should make it a habit. I will certianly call them in the AM though just to clarify! And no, no orders for potassium supplements...I will b...
  5. Hi All, if anyone could give me any input on this it would be greatly appriciated. Pt with CHF...excessive fluid build up, edema all over the body, has a foley in, usually OP between 250-400 each 8 hr shift. On admission orders for lasix 40mg Qday......
  6. Feeling bad because I didn't "go with my gut"

    Thanks to all who relied. I am feeling a little better about the situation today. Heard that my pt is doing fairly well in hospital so that makes me a little happy! Some answers to the replies-No, there was no dx of PE when the pt return from hospita...
  7. Lovenox question.

    Thanks so much for all the replys! this site is great to me in situations like this. My mind is so curious so i love to hear others opinions. and FYI-yes, this was a nursing home, and no on site pharmacy. when we send for STAT orders, pharm is requir...
  8. Lovenox question.

    Ahhhhh, so I see my facility is not the only one where nurses think they can just change medications and medication doeses "because i know what im doing"......*shaking my head* and to MassED- i do have a drug book that i frequently reference, its my...
  9. Lovenox question.

    We dont use lovenox too much in our facility-actually i think ive only used it one other time, and it too was 40mg. We typically use coumadin. However, this pt allergic to coumadin. I guess ordinarily I would have asked the pharmacy but I was so flus...
  10. Lovenox question.

    Thanks for the response-The only reason I hesitated really is because both of the other nurses immediatley said "NO!" That sent up a red flag for me. They are "experienced and older nurses" and I am a young new nurse! and so it just flagged my attent...
  11. Lovenox question.

    To go with my other post "feeling bad because i didnt go with my gut"...just a question-MD gave order for lovenox 80mg subq STAT...what we had in the facililty was lovenox 40mg....when I went to get it from the nurse who had it she said "NO, you ca...
  12. Here is a situation that happened at work today-I would appriciate any feedback! Without going in too much detail, here is what happened... Have a pt whos been with us for approx 3 weeks (SNF)...came from Hospital, and was bedridden for aprrox 3 1/2 ...
  13. One good thing that happened at work today...

    A residents family memeber told me "putting mom in the nursing home was the best decision we ever made, and were so blessed that she has a nurse like you caring for her" family memeber also said "mom's never looked better i can tell what good care yo...
  14. What exactlly is "Charge Nurse"?

    Thanks to all who responded. Of course I understand that when I am on shift, I am responsible for my residents and all that happens! That is to be expected anywhere. I was just wondering about the whole title "charge nurse" because in all honesty it ...
  15. Hi All...This is my first time posting here-have been reading a long time, but never posted. Some background-Ive been a nurse ( LPN ) about a year and a half, working at the same facility, a SNF/LTC facility. Ive been working 7-3 shift since I starte...