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About pecanpies

I started an Accelerated BSN program in May of 2011. With a LOT of hard work (and a little luck), I'll be done in May of 2012. I'm stressed, sleep-deprived, and at times wondering just what I've gotten myself into, but I have a passion for nursing!

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  1. How long did you study for CCRN?

    I think you might be putting the cart before the horse a little unless there's more information you haven't included in your question. Have you taken a practice test yet? How did you score? What were...
  2. Engagement/Wedding Bands

    I bought a cheap stainless steel band solely for work. It was about $35 at a local jewelry store. If it gets damaged or lost, no big deal - I'm only out $35. I have a beautiful wedding ring (in my...
  3. Nursing Student needing ADVICE!

    Sorry the counseling center was so unhelpful. =( That's frustrating. At least you gave it a shot! I spent a ton of time studying in the library when I was in school, both the first time around and...
  4. Nursing Student needing ADVICE!

    I am not a counselor, psychiatrist, therapist, etc. and even if I were, that would in no way qualify me to offer any sort of diagnosis or advice over the internet. That being said...I sense a lot of...
  5. Suggestions for when I am overwhelmed

    At our hospital, they train new hires in the AIDET method of communication. It's simple, easy to remember, and though it might sound cheesy or false, actually has helped me communicate better with...
  6. Waitressing as a pre-req?

    I do wish our unit had a family kitchen area - I've seen these in other hospitals and they are a huge time saver. Instead of the nurse making multiple trips for drinks, snacks, cups of ice, etc.,...
  7. I'm posting this this because I need advice on how NOT to let this happen again, and also because I want other new grads who might've made mistakes like me to know they're no alone!I'm a new grad in...
  8. LTC facility, can an LPN adjust TPN?

    Your nurse practice act is here: Based on what pages 93-95 say, I would not carry out that order. It states on page 95 that for an LPN to...
  9. Nurses Rock Stamps

    Maybe it's an advertisement for a show. You know, like Fraggle Rock. Except with teddy bears. Dressed as
  10. The value of experience in nursing

    Could you give a few examples, please? If there are some specific posts that have upset you, that's one thing. If not, this feels like yet another instance of someone beating a dead horse. This topic...
  11. New Nurse/Old Attitude

    I'm a new grad nurse who just started on a 10-bed critical care unit one month ago (my first actual day on the unit was June 13). My preceptor is fair, patient, and level-headed. She's also tough and...
  12. New grad moving to Louisville!

    Apply to University! They hire lots of new grads - including me and about 8 of my
  13. Timing of titer following vaccines

    I'd definitely ask at orientation. I'm sure you're not the first to run into
  14. Refusing a Clinical assignment

    You should never do anything outside your scope of practice or anything you do not feel safe doing. If that's what you mean by "refuse," then yes - you can refuse. If you're asked to do something that...
  15. Bellarmine acceptance rate

    It's intense. The program is split into six 8-week sessions. The first four sessions run from the second week in May to the middle of December; in that 6-month span, the longest break you get is 4...