

Was in LPN program in highschool

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About jenn09

jenn09 has 1 years experience and specializes in Was in LPN program in highschool.

Stay at home mom for 3 years now looking to get back to the "real world."

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  1. Student Nurses over 35 and Second Career????

    I know I have thank you all already but I keep coming back to re-read all of the wonderful posts. I'm my own worse enemy in trying to talk myself out of going forward because well, my mind keeps saying, you're too old, not smart enough..etc etc. BUT,...
  2. Are you proud to be a CNA?

    To just help a being that we will ALL be someday...karma.....that's all I can say.
  3. Student Nurses over 35 and Second Career????

    OMG, I cannot thank you all enough for this thread! I'm 36 have been a stay at home mom for the last 3 years. I have a degree in business and worked in Medical Administration for 10 years but DO NOT want to go back to that. Since nursing school waiti...
  4. Are you proud to be a CNA?

    44 and going back to school!!! THANK YOU so much, I'm 36 and have been feeling a bit embarassed and unsure, but thank you for letting me know that we are out there! :0)
  5. Are you proud to be a CNA?

    Wow, great post. Ironically I've been thinking about just getting my CNA so I can start working while I wait to get into the R.N. program here. My sister in law who is an LPN at a nursing home, keeps laughing at me, putting me down, says I'll be doin...