

ICU Neuro

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About egomaniacal1

egomaniacal1 specializes in ICU Neuro.

Everyone has the right to MY opinion

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  1. I need your help Allnurses.

    Absolutely! I recommend Underwater basket weaving 101. But take the class all the idiots are in, LOL! Seriously, I was in the same boat as you a few semesters. That being said, please ignore what all the pre-professional students say when they speak...
  2. Thats easy! That's him officer....
  3. Low GPA, chances of NP?

    I hate to police other peoples posts but I really feel like people need to either actually KNOW an answer or research their answers before they give them out as fact. Very few programs require "several" years experience. In fact, the largest majority...
  4. Low GPA, chances of NP?

    With respect to your post and without knowledge to your geographical location...this simply isn't true. Most programs will state the graduate nursing school boiler-plate, "..a minimum undergraduate g.p.a. of 3.0." Then you read their FAQ's and notice...
  5. What The Bleep Happened To The Shortage?

    I sensed neither negativety or animosity in your post. Further, I agree with you in principle. However, you are speaking to a different topic. I agree that local staffing shortages often occur 'on purpose.' I am speaking to the national level of prac...
  6. Pain is subjective?

    typo, i am not going to attack you or jump on you. i am going to say that hunger is pain. while i am not a peds nurse and i would not choose demerol, i would have sought an rx for mso4 to reduce the infants pain if the npo order was going to continue...
  7. NVCC Nur Program-Withdraw, No Way!!

    Ok, I am going to play devils advocate for a second. However, before I do, let me say this...Your attitude is right-on. If you believe and you work hard, you can get there. I applaud your veracity and I hope you succeed. Now for the devils advocate p...
  8. What The Bleep Happened To The Shortage?

    Valerie, forgive me because I agree with you so often, but here you are just wrong. There is a nursing shortage. The last count conducted there were 126,000 unfilled nursing positions in the US. According to recent studies conducted for AACN the proj...
  9. NCLEX: How many times is enough?

    Lowering standards does not benefit anyone. Flame away. Our entire society is about lowering standards. That's what we do. We invent reasons to lower the bar. I for one don't care how flamed I get on this one. Be honest and ask yourself this question...
  10. Pain is subjective?

    I can understand your concern and even empathize with you. However, we are taught that pain is considered the 5th vital sign and it is whatever the patient says it is. Now before you cast me aside, let me remind you why this policy was adopted. Resea...
  11. Strike Nursing

    I am sorry, I don't mean this to seem "troll," but strike nursing is acceptable for a few reasons. First of all, the hospital can not endure the added expense forever, so is does not hurt the striking staff. Second, strike nurses have been used as a ...
  12. Learn To Say It Correctly!!

    Risperdal being pronounced "risper-i-dal" chaps my butt. resperidine is the drug name, so maybe they are mixing the two, or maybe you are missing the 'done'.
  13. June 2008 NCLEX support group

    how many questions did you have? if you had less than 100, you passed for sure.
  14. June 2008 NCLEX support group

    :yeah:grats to you! this should help put a few fears at ease that people can not pass at 265 questions. i am very happy for you. go ahead and call yourself a registered nurse outloud a few times. it really feels wierd at first, but then it feels like...
  15. June 2008 NCLEX support group

    ROFLMA...I'd say that is a safe assumption... Grats to you:cheers: