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  1. Need to interview a nurse for a project

    would you mind? :bow:
  2. Need to interview a nurse for a project

    Because i have entirely too much other homework to to and not enough time to do it (last week before graduation)
  3. Need to interview a nurse for a project

  4. My name is Stephanie. I am graduating high school and plan to go to nursing school. I have to interview RN's as an addition to my project. I know that I could go find a nurse and interview him/her, but honestly.. I don't want to. So if you could ta...
  5. Nursing Interview

    My name is Stephanie. I am graduating high school and plan to go to nursing school. I have to interview RN's as an addition to my project. I know that I could go find a nurse and interview him/her, but honestly.. I don't want to. So if you could ta...