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About classicalcat

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  1. Research Nursing, my experience

    Hi, I have an associates in nursing, but I also have a bachelors in biology and a masters in Mass Communication. You definitely don't need a MSN. There are plenty of research coordinator positions that aren't even nursing as well. A bachelors sh...
  2. Research Nursing, my experience

    It would depend on the employer and what they list as requirements. Is this for you? Your profile says 25 years of healthcare experience. That would qualify you probably. If it is for someone else with no healthcare experience, at a minimum, they wou...
  3. Research Nursing, my experience

    No, you can't have a nursing program with no hands on experience. The job you would be searching for is a "Research Clinical Coordinator" instead of Research Nurse. I worked with 2 clinical coordinators who had bachelors degrees and one had a masters...
  4. Home Transition Nurse?

    Hello, I have just applied for a Home Transition Nurse position. I will be interviewing this week. Other than Case Management, it is hard to find info on this exact position. It sounds like the nurse will be helping the patient transition from t...
  5. Research Nursing, my experience

    Thanks for sharing your experience! Mine is much different, most likely due to the fact that I am in a small town and hospital. I have been a research coordinator for 2.5 years and am quite bored. 90% of the time I am searching for patients for studi...
  6. Frequent Blood Draw Question

    Hi All, I am a former pediatric/neonatal nurse who is now working as a nurse clinical research coordinator. I am trying to help a professor put together a research study in which he wants to get frequent blood samples (healthy adult volunteers). We a...
  7. I Pads for patient education

    Hi all, Are any of your hospitals handing out I Pads or tablets to patients? We just started this. On one hand, they are nice...patients can send me a message, or know when their meds are due. On the other hand, they are expected to read all of thei...
  8. How does your unit train Level II Nursery Nurses?

    Thanks for the reply! This seems about right to me. Good to know...
  9. Hi All, I am curious what your hospitals do for training this area? When I was trained (years ago), I had 2 months with one-to-one precepting with another nursery nurse. This was after working postpartum for over a year (we do couplet care). Now, it ...
  10. Ebola in the pregnant patient

    Wow--great questions and lowsy answers from management! I work as a nursery nurse and I don't feel that our hospital has addressed the L/D issue either. We are going to get mandatory training in donning and doffing, but our only Ebola PPE cart (Don't...
  11. Do saline locks last as long as a peripheral IV in children

    Our lab and IV team says that you can't get a blood specimen from a peripheral IV...shelbs3...does your lab do this routinely?
  12. Kids Say the Darndest Things...

    I was taking one of my pediatric patients to her car to discharge. When she got in, she saw a penny sitting on the seat. She picked up the penny and handed it to me...and in the sweetest voice said. "Here you you can by ANYTHING you want!" ...
  13. Best way to Weigh a hospitalized Ped

    Hi All, Peds have moved to our postpartum floor, so I am new to peds. We don't have bed scales in all of our ped beds. The other day, we had an appy patient who was VERY painful and did not want to get out of bed. The only weight we had was from the ...