

Med/Surg, ICU, ED

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About RNJim22

RNJim22 specializes in Med/Surg, ICU, ED.

Latest Activity

  1. Did You Love Your Nursing School?

    in other words, did you appreciate what your nursing school did for you? i have a great job with which i can support my family. i learned enough to pass the nclex. i made many good friends during school. i am almost completely recession proof becau...
  2. Question about Digital Stimulation

    I copied this from MedlinePlus so I can't take credit for the info. I hope it helps. Regards, Jim Bowel movements may be stimulated by digital stimulation. Digital stimulation is performed by inserting a lubricated finger into the orifice and using ...
  3. Burnout in less than 2 years

    Maybe hospice would be a nice area for you to work in for a while. One of the beauties of nursing is the chance to move into different areas when we need. You are clearly a compassionate person and are probably very good at what you do because of i...
  4. Moving to the southwest in June

    You might consider Show Low, AZ. Out of the way but it is a great area with a well-run hospital, Summit Regional Healthcare. Best of luck to you. Regards, Jim
  5. Deciding between RN vs PA vs MD

    Your first degree isn't a waste by any stretch. You have learned how to learn (no small accomplishment) and you know what it takes to succeed at something. Both of those will carry you in ways you may not realize right now. Follow your dreams on t...
  6. does age REALLY matter?

    Ah to be 23 again and have answers to life's questions.......I long for those days. It reminds me of the time I called a friend to ask her if I could borrow her mountain bike to go trail riding because I didn't want to scuff up my new Cannondale I h...
  7. coding a vented patient

    What is a "Rescue-pod?" I am unfamiliar with this. Thanks, Jim
  8. BIO 202 at RIO (online)?

    I took Bio 202 through CAC and loved it. It was straight forward and required a moderate amount of work. The instructor was good/fair. Jim
  9. You know you have a great job when.....

    You see that look in someone's eye that says "I can't do this anymore....." and you do a little, simple thing and see in their eye "THANK YOU!" It doesn't get any better than that. I can't do everything.....but I can do something! :nuke: I appreci...
  10. What was your job before you became a nurse?

    Project Engineer for Applied Materials in Santa Clara CA.
  11. BIO202 during Summer I

    I took Bio202 online through Central AZ college last summer. It was an EXCELLENT course that was straight forward and not too difficult. I would recommend it. Best of luck to you! Jim:wink2:
  12. Nursing assistant identified as low stress career

    I think that CNA work is stressful, but not unbearable. It has been very enjoyable and a great learning environment for me. Jim