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About mdedmon85

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  1. Application for Texas License problem

    Hey guys, I am a Registered Nurse from the state of Arkansas and have recently applied for a Texas RN License, but have hit a bump in the road. I was recently on probation for unprofessional conduct and was released from my probation in March! :) M...
  2. Chest Tubes

    Well, we use both the Atrium and the Glass Bottles ( and yes, I was referring to UWSD as the Under Water Seal Drainage), just depends on who the doc is. But when I work with the Glass bottles, the higher the level of fluid gets inside the bottle, it...
  3. Chest Tubes

    Hey there! I am a RN fresh out of Nursing School and have been working in the ICU setting for over 2 months now and I have a general question about CT's and UWSD. I am familiar with the UWSD and the proper usage of them as well, but I have a questio...