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About litepath

Ongoing interest in psychology

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  1. Male RN and Jobs

    Plenty. Don't get hung up on your sex, k?
  2. new on forum and need help in north carolina!!!

    Hey EKIRKPAT~ Don't be frustrated by the non-representation of Carolina hospitals. Look for NOVANT healthcare. They have at least one or two hospitals in Charlotte. I'll bet they have a pile of listings for jobs too. I work at a NOVANT site in Winsto...
  3. ICU nurse needs some neuro info...

    Don't cardiac pt.s experience heightened sexual inhibition??
  4. Why is everyone on Protonix

    All of theses answers while correct do miss an important point; HCL in the stomach is there to kill bugs via low pH. These inhibitors nix the low pH and thereby give rise to bug growth. Sucralfate will bind with HCl, preventing the stress ulcers w/o ...
  5. Hard to get hired?

    If your male Nurse Graduate is having trouble getting hired...then perhaps HE is saying something that triggers a problem with the hiring folk??
  6. Nurse practitioners in the neuro ICU

    ~~We have four in our 14 bed Neurosurgical ICU here at Emory Hospital in Atlanta. This is a large teaching hospital with the CDC down the street on the edge of campus. Apparently the NP's here do quite a bit of assessment/progress notes and orders. I...
  7. New grad pay scales around the state

    I think the topic is appropriate for an open forum. The Hospitals don't want you to know what each other make$. The hospital I just left in Arlington had new grads starting at about $23/h. up from $21. I didn't see any gender bias or any other bias ...
  8. I want to know how many poeple out there, believe in the power of prayer, and how many believe it works? Any stories? Any proof? Thoughts etc? me ~Oh yes Prayer works! Hard to give definitive proof because it requires faith. Faith is personal., you...
  9. This may be a silly Question!

    "Pernicious anemia occurs as a relatively common adult form of anemia that is associated with gastric atrophy and a loss of IF production and as a rare congenital autosomal recessive form in which IF production is lacking without gastric atrophy. Th...
  10. Use ten minute resume dot com. It is cool.
  11. Only 4 periods a year!!

    ~~From the male Nurses side~ ~~~Only thing that would concern me would be the potential for infection. ~~~To me it would seem that you'd want to keep the natural, gravity fed toilet working, with all the Natural Flora, even attached flora regularly ...
  12. Does this mean I'll hate Nursing?

    As a critical care Nurse actively working in an ICU I can tell you that the stuff you speak of is an everyday occurance. I work in a teaching hospital so the docs are residents and interns at night when I work. So besides ensuring that the client get...
  13. Does this mean I'll hate Nursing?

    As a critical care Nurse actively working in an ICU I can tell you that the stuff you speak of is an everyday occurance. I work in a teaching hospital so the docs are residents and interns at night when I work. So besides ensuring that the client get...
  14. Assertive or aggressive?

    ~~yeah Gator, You did do the right thing and it appears went the extra mile to attempt to accomodate her behavior. But you were far from aggressive and appear accomodative in your response. Many people do not understand assertiveness, and therefor...
  15. Assertive or aggressive?

    ~~yeah Gator, You did do the right thing and it appears went the extra mile to attempt to accomodate her behavior. But you were far from aggressive and appear accomodative in your response. Many people do not understand assertiveness, and therefor...