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  1. Verbal Abuse from surgeons in the OR

    I am really truly shocked that in this day and age Drs. still treat nurses like #$*%, not only that, but they are allowed to get away with it! I have had only one run in with a DR over the phone and it was because I was totally clueless about a patie...
  2. Insulin syringe question

    We only use insulin syringes too. I was taught in school to have all insulin double checked with another nurse, but I am THE ONLY NURSE .... So I just check and double check myself.
  3. injections

    What about Heparin injection..I have always been taught the were givin SQ at a 90 degree angle unless they are very thin. My preceptor thinks its 30-45 degrees...???
  4. cops 'n nurses

    Hello, I have seen a lot of Nurse/Firefighter couples...and a couple cop/nurse
  5. How long should I stay in Med/surg?

    Lacey..Thats exactly what I am thinking. It is hard, but I have learned so much already. I really don't know what I want to do yet. I know what I don't want to do..ER, Critical Care... I have a lot of interests, but who knows . A lot of classmates k...
  6. Comparing Wages in the OR setting

    Wow KC Chick you can go right into the OR out of school??? I haven't seen anything like that in my area.
  7. How long should I stay in Med/surg?

    Hello, I am working on Med/surg unit. I just started there three weeks ago fresh out of school. Even though I am learning SOOO much..I hate med/surg. I am not sure what I would eventually like to do, but I am interested in the O.R.. So, how long do I...
  8. Who makes very lightweight scrubs?

    Hi there, Jasco uniforms has something called "Scrubs for Less" (I think thats what their called), Anyway they are usually priced about 9.99 for a top and 11.00 for the bottoms. They are very light weight and have a good color selection. Mine have he...