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  1. ADN Moving to Washington Requires Help

    I am super excited to start nursing, and I am going through every length to get hired on a floor in the seattle/tacoma area. I am graduating in May from Bergen Community College, NJ with my ADN as Salutatorian! I am going to enroll immediately i...
  2. Bergen CC Day program FALL 2018

    I got in!! I just received word 2 days ago!!
  3. Bergen CC Day program FALL 2018

    Sorry for the late response I hope you did well! For anyone who needs to know it's 150 questions, and yes the math section has a lot of rational numbers. You get a blank worksheet to work it out.
  4. Bergen CC Day program FALL 2018

    Yes you do, and the math section is pretty easy! You'll do great!
  5. Bergen CC Day program FALL 2018

    Just send your score to Bergen it cost $27 to send on the ATI website. It is listed as Bergen CC. Your score is valid for one year, so if you took it longer than a year ago from March 26... maybe later..you can't send it.
  6. Bergen CC Day program FALL 2018

    I think that book is great! Studying with practice tests is probably the best approach, but make sure you know why your getting the answers wrong/right. As for scores I know someone who got in with a 78. That is the lowest ik, she came out of hs with...
  7. Bergen CC Day program FALL 2018

    Yeah idk about the background check. I'm gonna ask the program on Monday, but we didn't receive any info I guess we have to wait till after the TEAs. Sorry for the misinformation. I'll make a post on what they tell me Monday.
  8. Bergen CC Day program FALL 2018

    Me too woohoo! I sent in my score, and now just gotta wait till March 26th :/. I took my TEAS a while ago. I scored a 90 which is in the 98th percentile for the nation. If anyone needs help with studying I'll help and make sure you get a great grade....
  9. Bergen CC Day program FALL 2018

    Start studying for the TEAS right now! You can take it whenever you want, I already took it. The score is good for one year. I have a friend who was already rejected because she did not finish all the required courses, but tried to apply anyway. This...
  10. Hi my name is Billy, and I am partially freaking out over acceptance into this program, but I feel my chances are good. Originally, I was trying to enter the night program this semester, but financial aid did not come through. Therefore, I am current...