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About Hollybobs

Hollybobs has 5 years experience and specializes in ICU.

Latest Activity

  1. "You're too smart to be a nurse. Be a doctor"

    Yeah, I respond along those lines too. I usually say that I think it helps if nurses are more intelligent in addition to being "caring" because of the complexity of clinical decision-making in modern nursing. I thought that before I trained, I think ...
  2. Broken

    What Katie MI said. Also, if you can't afford it weekly, do it once a month or every 2 months. If it is possible, learn and understand the logic and principles behind the exercises you are taught then make your own routines between times. It is KEY f...
  3. Fellow student=back stabbed?

    I don't see any unprofessional conduct. She may have genuine and valid concerns about you as a prospective employee. She may not have given any negative feedback about you. The RN may have objected to you. Any history of passive aggressive behaviour ...
  4. Broken

    They complied and gave you a new post?! Very pleased to hear that. You've done really well, it's hard to fight when you are recovering from injury, nevermind win. I hope you enjoy your new job, it might be quite fun! :).
  5. Are there any gay nurses here?

    I saw this and found it very heartwarming... I found it a nice symbol of progress and just lovely. It doesn't make me less upset about Orlando but it was a little light in the darkness.The more people realise we have more similarities than differenc...
  6. Question about a patient refusing discharge

    No probs! I really like the WILTW threads btw :)
  7. Question about a patient refusing discharge

    Hi Ixchel, there's a few questions there, they might require quite a lengthy reply! In my experience, in the NHS (non-private) hospitals, patients don't often refuse to leave hospital but it can happen. It isn't that comfy in our hospitals, there ar...
  8. Stanford Rape

    Kooky, you've "liked" my post- I didn't mean you. I'm not going to apologise for that because I think your posts have been offensive and at times, cruel. I don't know what has driven you to post all the things you have especially when speaking direct...
  9. Stanford Rape

    Me too, I've checked this thread daily. It seems silly to use the word "proud" but I have felt very proud of my fellow nurses who have defended (and it should never need defending, it should be entirely self-evident) a person's right never to be rape...
  10. Use of cellphones while at work

    I presume the weeks where you use four are ones where you don't see your dear sister-in-law?!
  11. Tips on Constructive Criticism

    Yes, me too. I firstly try to listen carefully to what's being said. This can be hard, as you say OP, as strong emotions can rise up very quickly. I want someone to feel they can let me know something potentially useful again, I also don't want to m...
  12. Are nurse's all that and a bag of chips?

    I went looking for an applause icon. This was the nearest I could find...
  13. Is Anyone A Highly Sensitive Nurse?

    Thanks NotAll, I have been sometimes going anyway more recently. I don't think anyone would mind really and I don't think it is snooty- just don't want to risk making a bad impression. I have always envied those nurses with that gut instinct thing. ...
  14. Is Anyone A Highly Sensitive Nurse?

    Being a HSP doesn't indicate a lack of resilience, that's a separate trait. It isn't the same as shyness, fragility, introversion, anxiety or PTSD. Crying in cupboards could mean a wide range of things. I have loads of the stuff on the tick list and ...
  15. Is it okay for RN to ask recovery patients not to swear?

    After an hour the pain relief kicked in?? I think better post-op pain control for your PACU patients would reduce the swearing you find so unpleasant. It isn't really okay to ask him, no, not for the sole purposes of addressing your own comfort leve...