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  1. HELP!! Any suggestions on Spelling troubles

    Break them down into easier terms when spelling. For example, endocarditis. Endo(it helps me to remember this means "within"), then card, and then itis. Sometimes, either before or after break them apart I make a catchy little phrase to go with it.
  2. You caught Cheaters... what would you do or have you done?

    good for you! i would also stop them. one, it irks me because there are people who work hard for their grades, me included, and people who cheat are also cheating the way the nursing program system works. two, they disrupting the class with their fla...
  3. Chemistry 2006/ 2007 Club***

    Hi all! Chemistry not going so good here:( Could anyone recommend any good study sites for Chemistry? I have web access with my book, but I need all the help and practice I can get. I made some stupid mistakes on my last test. Do not really understan...
  4. Biology CLEP test?

    Check with your counselor to be sure. I took the CLEP for Biology and they took it as General Biology, which was great for me cause that's what I needed. If you do take it I would just review- if you want- basic biology( and study your genetics too, ...
  5. What a disappoinment, I'm SO ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ouch, I would be upset too! In fact, I was upset when I changed schools and it happened to me. There are some online schools that do those particular classes, the ones I looked at were too expensive for me but you might be able to find other programs...
  6. how to wait... patiently

    Enjoy yourself and think positive about getting in. Keep yourself occupied with things you like to do ( or need to do, if your like me, I get all non-school stuff done during break). When I worry, I redecorate a room in my house, it can be exercise, ...
  7. Part-time or Full time

    I guess that really depends on you. What kind of support system do you have? Is it possible, if needed, could you cut down on some work hours? Are you a good time manager? It is possible for people to work full time and raise children while going to ...
  8. Chemistry 2006/ 2007 Club***

    Add me to the list too, please! I am taking Health Science Chemistry I. Two weeks in, but uneventful so far. Have had only one lab so far, a safety lecture. But, as if I didn't find the class unexciting enough, my instructor keeps jumping from one th...
  9. 333 lb. Nurse?? Help, please.

    I know good nurses that are heavy, and they seem to do their work very well. More than anything, it is what is on the inside that counts most! I would rather have an overweight, caring nurse than a skinny grouchy one(probably from lack of chocolate)....
  10. Anatomy??

    Anatomy class is so much fun, but it is alot of work. On the first day of lab, they brought us in to get a general overview of the cadaver we would work with. i don't know if placing the box that said "boneless chicken breasts" was intentional or not...
  11. NET Testing

    I am no expert on stantardized tests, and I haven't taken the NET yet, but if you score in the 94th percentile of anything, I would say you deserve a pat on the back. Great job!!!!!!
  12. Transferring..good idea or not

    I just transferred schools. I was about to start my first clinical semester when I moved for my husband's job. Get at least two answers on the same question from different people. It sounded so easy, but some people at my new school gave me incorrect...
  13. This original post was awhile ago, but I felt I had to reply. I am working as a CNA to get through nursing school. True, hospital work is great and you have a chance to learn more of you want to be a nurse. But working with the elderly is a truly re...
  14. NET test help!

    I have posted a similar question on another forum- I too am concerned about the math portion. I have been told that the math on the NET is pretty basic stuff, at about 7th grade level- as one poster described it. I hope this raises your hopes. And Go...
  15. How to learn A&P I in a week or less... (I've really messed things up)

    I have been througn A&P I and II, as well as Microbiology. I never would have succeeded without my trusty notecards!!! Take good notes, even if there are powerpoints available. Take notecards everywhere with you and run through them often. Get y...