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About syamkumar

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  1. What is your salary?

    Doing a research over the salaries it is a very interesting thing.Want to know What we get in India It is a very low amount compared to yours . Just between 150$ to 250$ a month for a registered nurse in goverment sector.In Private hospitals Below 15...
  2. Working in the US ----- PLEASE READ FIRST

    Thanks for posting such an informative letter. The other usual questions are about the authenicity of the job offered and about pay and benefits offered.There is a huge number of nurses waiting in the other side of of the globe to ...
  3. A Dear Abbey letter. What is your take?

    In any situation a nurse should explain the procedure prior to its initiation.If during chating the nurse explained that she is going to check site then all embarresment would have been avoided.And for her client even the assessment can go wrong if s...