Published Dec 9, 2016
3 Posts
My sister in law is a practicing RN who informed me that it is extremely important for me to start study all the different medications and side effects now while I am finishing my prerequisites. I enjoy studying nearly any and all medical information that will be beneficial to me in the long run. Are there sites that offer all medications in a list form with side effects were I print out? Can anyone suggest specific things that I need to study now? And where I can locate the specific information? Books? Websites? Etc.
NICUismylife, ADN, BSN, RN
563 Posts
4,161 Posts
It is easier to study the side effects of class of drugs than the side effects for each drug. This helped me in Pharm in nursing school.
Mosby's Pharmacology Memory NoteCards: Visual, Mnemonic, and Memory Aids for Nurses, 4e: 978
11 Posts
From my pharmacology experience, there isn't a great need to know every medication ever invented. You will be tested on specific classes (anti-neoplastics, diabetes meds, cardiovascular, antibiotics). Ive attached a great resource for nursing students when it comes to pharmacology. You may want to look at the common medications that are given. This can get a bit tricky when there are dozens of meds in the same class and most are never prescribed.
Mosby's 2
54 Posts
You can endlessly study for pharmacology, there's a whole career on it. It's good that you are planning to study ahead, but don't overwhelm yourself with unnecessary information. I made an app, it contains common drug classes, drugs associated with the classes (generic and brand name because NCLEX only uses generic names), and all of the information school, clinicals, and the NCLEX required me to know such as MOA's, vitals, labs, common/severe side effects and nursing considerations to watch for. Check it out, its free, it's on the app stores or through our website Good luck. I just passed my nclex this august and this guide is all I studied to prep for pharm.