Med Facts!


Specializes in Pediatric/Adolescent, Med-Surg.

Hey, I thought this could be like our random fact thread, except try to keep it to only meds I know alot of us struggle with trying to remember all those meds and what's important about which ones, so maybe this'll help. :typing

Specializes in Pediatric/Adolescent, Med-Surg.

ok, here's some that I have:

Procrit---monitor for Headache and Hematocrit, headache could be sign hematocrit is rising too quickly, increasing risk of seizures

Cephalosporins, cross allergy with penicillins

Sulfa drugs--take with food

Pyridium (urinary tract analgesic)---will turn urine bright orange

Anti-convulsants (ie dilantin)---man of them will turn urine red/pinkish color

Anticolinergics (ie Pro-Banthine, Ditropan)---contraindicated in pts with glaucoma (dilates pupil) as well as pts with BPH (causes urinary retention)

Atropine (anticolinergic)--if giving in a non-emergent setting, encourage pt to void first, due to risk of urinary retention

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