MDC Accelerated RN program, Spring 2010

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Is anyone else applying for the Miami Dade College Accelerated program starting Spring 2010? I've been reading posts on this sight for a while and thought it was only a matter of time until someone started a thread for those of us hoping to be accepted for January 2010, but I guess not so here it is. Good luck to everyone! Now, we wait....:)

Specializes in CSICU.
I wouldn't give up. Apply to be an alternate. If someone "noshows" and it happens in admissions far more often than you realize the school needs a backup student. I was waitlisted for 2 weeks and because I kept applying and trying I was able to secure a slot.


How can one apply to be an alternate??? I received a rejection letter as well for the accelerated program and I have a 3.8 GPA. So, I really would like to know how can I become an alternate.

Specializes in NICU.


I got my acceptance today for the accelerated program! I'm excited to hear who else got theirs. Everyone keep a look out. I'm sure we've all become pretty friendly with the mailman these days, keep stalking him, it may pay off! Good luck to everyone!

Yay, I got acceptance letters for both Generic & Accelerated today :) I was so pumped when I saw the big manilla envelopes in the mail today!

I got my acceptance letter to Generic full time!!

congrats to all who got in!! i also got an acceptance letter for generic full time!!! this is the second time i applied so for those who didnt get in dont give up .. ;)

Hey everyboday. I went to the Nursing School today and the lady at the front desk was STILL sealing yellow envelopes. That means more acceptance letters are going out!! Good luck to those that are still waiting. You'll get in!!

Specializes in NICU.


Have you decided between Generic, Accelerated, and out of state? (just wondering) I know you said that you have a couple of friends that are in the Accelerated program right now. I applied to both Generic and Accelerated and have received both acceptances. I had every intention of going with the Accelerated since I don't really have any other obligations right now, and can dedicate myself fully to the program, but I'm starting to freak out a little. I don't want to sabotage myself, you know? How are your friends doing, are they still alive, and would they recommend the program to you?



I got accepted into the transitional program, Are you going to the orientation in November?:loveya:


I got my acceptance today for the accelerated program! I'm excited to hear who else got theirs. Everyone keep a look out. I'm sure we've all become pretty friendly with the mailman these days, keep stalking him, it may pay off! Good luck to everyone!

Specializes in NICU.
I got accepted into the transitional program, Are you going to the orientation in November?:loveya:

Hey henne21,

Yes I will be going in November! Actually I think I may have changed my mind about the Accelerated program, I may do the Generic this Spring instead. henne, congratulations on your acceptance, thats awesome! I think all of our orientations may be on different days. I know that Generic and Accelerated do not fall on the same day

Best of luck this Spring!,


MDCupcake -

I'm really torn between Generic & Accelerated, too ... I can't decide if my 2 friends that are in the AO now are just being overly dramatic, or if it really is that intense/unbearable. I'm going to call to make an appt. to speak with a nursing advisor. Which program are you thinking about?? I love the idea of finishing sooner with AO, but don't want to risk losing my sanity & not passing the program. I have to think about finances, too ... I don't have family down here to live with, so every month I'm in school I'm still racking up bills (rent, car payment, cell phone, etc) & not having any income coming in. The way I figure it, if I do Generic, it'll cost me an extra $10k in expenses (I did a realistic budget in my head ... not fun.) in addition to the extra semesters tuition ... so many decisions!!!

Side note - I think I was sitting in front of you at the meeting Tuesday! I just checked this site today, or I would have said hi. I was wearing a purple shirt, black 3/4 blazer, jeans & blonde hair :)

Specializes in NICU.


Its funny, at this point Tuesday night is all a blur to me. I have no clue who was sitting in front of me, haha, but if you saw me, then I guess were half-way introduced :specs:. I'm starting to lose it and the program hasn't even started. Yea I definitely hear where your coming from with the financial situation. I think that I've decided on the Generic program, and I'm going to apply for the Baptist scholarship as well. I would love to finish in December, but to be honest I'm already pretty frazzled emotionally and I think if anything bad happened during the program, that would be it for me, so for the sake of my sanity I'm gonna go with Generic (pretty sure, 99%-ish or so). Would you consider going out for the Baptist Scholarship so that you could have money for school? I know its also a big commitment, which kind of scares me.... Let me know what you decide, and if I can help in any way.

I'm confused. I went to Kendall campus today and my fingerprints were taken. Does that mean they're also going to do my background check? Is it one appt or two? I know I sound like an idiot, but I really don't even know anymore... ayayay

Specializes in NICU.

Ok, scratch the last question. For the record, It is only 1 appointment for fingerprinting and background check ::::sigh of relief::: yay!

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