MCC Nursing Applicants for 2016

U.S.A. Michigan


Hey everyone!

Last year's thread caught so much momentum, I figured I'd give it another shot for this year! Applications were due Feb 15th for the next cycle of the nursing program. So, who's applied? What are your scores? What classes have you taken? And anything else you can think of...

I'll start- I applied this year (after a chaotic time of academic indecision, an engagement, and a baby)! My scores were a 3.87 gpa and an 88 on the HESI. I don't feel super confident with those scores, but I'm trying to stay positive.

I can't wait to find out if I'm in once April/May rolls around! I hope to find some other people to talk to that are going through this journey as well.

I also received my letter today. Along with my friend. Both accepted í ½í¸ I had a 3.58 and a 93 HESI

I created a Facebook group! Macomb Nursing Students 2016/2017

I typed in that exact thing and i can't find it. Can you add me? Brianna Rowe

I have a question regarding the Fall 2017 class start. I turned my application in on January 11th. I ended up with a B in A&P, Chem 105, and Psych 140. I also scored a 74 on the TEAS and I'm taking Micro right now. I'm worried I don't have the scores to be comfortable that I will get into the program. Has anyone received similar scores and gotten in? Thank you.

I have a question regarding the Fall 2017 class start. I turned my application in on January 11th. I ended up with a B in A&P, Chem 105, and Psych 140. I also scored a 74 on the TEAS and I'm taking Micro right now. I'm worried I don't have the scores to be comfortable that I will get into the program. Has anyone received similar scores and gotten in? Thank you.

I'm not really sure what you're saying. Chem isn't a required class at all, Macomb uses the HESI not the TEAS, are you saying you received a 140% in Psych? Regardless, your psych grade isn't a factor in your acceptance. You just need to have it done before you start the program. What was your Intro to Nursing grade? English grade? I'm guessing you might be talking about another program? This thread was for Macomb Community College in Michigan.

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