maybe I am too slow


We had a 3 hour code last night. There were no critical care beds and a shortage of critical care nurses so we did intensive care nursing on this patient on a med/surg floor for 3 hours. The House Officer was freaking out on me because she said I was to slow drawing up meds and such. I countered with the fact that perhaps I was slow but at least I was not spining out of control. The H.O. was a internist and admitted this patient was so critical she, the MD, was in over her head. Finally the bed opened up about the same time the specialist we needed to care for the patient showed up. All this aside I am deeply concerned because one part of me believes that perhaps the doctor was correct and I am getting to slow. I will be 60 this year and maybe I should not be hanging around endangering patients. I guess I have to do some sole searching. Actually my fellow employees said how relieved they were I stayed so calm. The said they did not know what would have happened if I had no stayed so calm. :sniff:

We had a 3 hour code last night. There were no critical care beds and a shortage of critical care nurses so we did intensive care nursing on this patient on a med/surg floor for 3 hours. The House Officer was freaking out on me because she said I was to slow drawing up meds and such. I countered with the fact that perhaps I was slow but at least I was not spining out of control. The H.O. was a internist and admitted this patient was so critical she, the MD, was in over her head. Finally the bed opened up about the same time the specialist we needed to care for the patient showed up. All this aside I am deeply concerned because one part of me believes that perhaps the doctor was correct and I am getting to slow. I will be 60 this year and maybe I should not be hanging around endangering patients. I guess I have to do some sole searching. Actually my fellow employees said how relieved they were I stayed so calm. The said they did not know what would have happened if I had no stayed so calm. :sniff:

Well im am just a CNA but my father always told me if you get in to big of a hurry, you'll make mistakes and in nurseing you can't afford mistakes. Age has nothing to do with it, you just have to decide yourself if your capiable, dont let someone else decide for you. All nurses that i have been associated with know more about whats going on then the Dr's do, Just know your Great :balloons:

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho.

I agree,, speed=errors in more instances than not. Maybe the HO was a little out of control and SHE should have slowed down and thought her decisions through a bit.

Speed=errors=deaths. Your patient lived to get to the ICU bed.

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