Math Test Part of Job Interview


What kind of math are you tested on as part of the interview? Will it include reconstitution, infusion and things pertaining to IV. Does anyone know what is involved?

Can anyone tell me anything at all..?

Our hospital has a basic dosage and calculations test. Very basic. I am not sure what other facilities have. We are a small community hospital.


Specializes in LTC.

I actually just went for a job interview last week. They gave me a 50 question test with about 5 calculations on it. The test was multiple choice, it was extremely easy. The calculations were very basic, no reconstitution probs or anything like that. Good luck!

I actually just went for a job interview last week. They gave me a 50 question test with about 5 calculations on it. The test was multiple choice, it was extremely easy. The calculations were very basic, no reconstitution probs or anything like that. Good luck!

50 questions WOW!! what were the questions about (just a general idea if that's alright) Good luck!!!

Specializes in Geri, Home Health, OB GYN.

i went to a job interview last week and had to do 25 math questions. without warning that is... blah. anyway they gave me about 5 minutes to go over a "study guide" then had an unlimited time to take the test. i had alot of iv question and reconsitution questions.

we had to pass with an 80, if not then we got 1 more chance to take it again. after that we were passed up for the job. we could only reapply after 30 days and taking another test with 50 questions (made mostly of the ones you missed) and you have to pass with a 90 on the first try or thats it..

i think it has alot to do to with where you are in the country and what position you are applying for. good luck, i wish you all the best!!:yeah:

Was that for an LPN position? I spoke to a few of my friends here, at one LTC, they did not have any test at all. They said that they were 'told' they would have one but they never did. I guess it does depend on where you are because others said that there would be one.

Specializes in Geri, Home Health, OB GYN.

My interview was for a hospital on a postpartum floor for a LVN position. My friend just graduated RN program and she interviewed for a LTC position and at a hosp adn had to take test on both interview. That was in Dallas.

Now, when I worked assisted living I did not have to take pharm test. :nurse:

I guess it is hard to gauge as each facility is different. I was trying to find out if it was most common. i appreciate everyone's feedback.

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