MATH 1308 and/or POLS 2311 syllabus


Was wondering if anyone has a copy of the syllabus for MATH 1308 or POLS 2311? I am starting these classes in January and would like to review the syllabus prior to starting.


(Edited by admin. The syllabus is copyright of the may not be shared.)

Be advised: you need a webcam with microphone for this class since all tests are proctored by The proctoring fee is $30 per test (three tests and a final). I wish I would have been told when I enrolled as the extra expense was unexpected.

You can also try contacting your instructor, but I only received the syllabus for the 1302 class a few days before the class started. I don't know why they treat it as a closely guarded document, but I was caught off guard with the web cam, high internet speed, and additional testing fees as well. My hospital will only reimburse for tuition, and the class description did not include these extra requirements:( I have enjoyed every nursing class I've taken so far, but I recommend taking the math at your local community college where they don't charge extra for the exams taken at the testing centers on campus.

I don't have the syllabus for any of these classes. But I can share with you my experience with these classes. Math 1308 was a nightmare! the amount of homework is insane. (I didn't have a social life with my family while taking this class). Besides my full time job, all of my other time was spent doing the assignments and preparing for the tests. I first started doing all of the required assignments and at the end I found myself just picking randomly which practice questions to take as there was not enough hours in the day to comply with all the assigned homework. Homework does not get graded, it is only a way to prepare for the exam. Make sure you do the practice tests and take the tutoring classes they offer (that will help). The final was insane, so make sure you do good in your tests so you don't have much pressure when taking the final. This was the first time in my life I felt happy getting a "C". I almost literally dropped to my knees and thanked the Lord I was done with that class. My recommendation is DO NOT take this class with another class unless you don't work or you have a part time job, but if you have a full time job, take class alone.

Now in regards to POLS2311, this has been one of my favorite classes. The teacher is great, the amount of homework is realistic, you do learn a lot and overall a fun class to take. You take this class at your own pace, meaning you can get ahead and finish in less than 8 weeks, I wish more of the classes followed the same format this class has. Good luck to you and hope this helps! :)

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