Marymount for ASBN - Fall 2012?


Hi there,

I need some advice and I'm hoping you lovely folks can help me!

A little background: I graduated from UVA in 2011 with a BA (double major in sociology and women's studies) and am still living in Charlottesville. I found out today that I got accepted to Marymount's ABSN program, and I'd like some opinions before I make a decision. I'm trying to decide between Marymount or just getting an associate's at PVCC and taking it from there. My parents live in Northern VA (Leesburg) so while the commute would be a pain, I'd be able to live for free.

As you might've guessed from my first degree, I'm really interested in women's health and would love to go on to a MSN.

Any comments about the program, professors, clinicals, etc. would be much appreciated! :)

Does anyone know if Marymount Admissions takes into account a CNA license in the application? Thankyou so much!

Specializes in Oncology, Hospice.

I would hope so @Laur! I have mine and included my license # on my resume. I also included experience in my essay. Does anyone know if the review has been completed?

Specializes in Oncology, Hospice.

Thanks!! You too! Definitely let us know if you do :)

Specializes in Oncology, Hospice.

Hi! I am waiting to hear from the second committee review and was curious do they send out just an acceptance letter or a full packet initially?

I am anxiously awaiting news and it should be any day now!

Specializes in Oncology, Hospice.
Hi Pointe,

I heard yesterday via a letter in the mail - I'm sure yours will arrive soon! :)

Hi! I am waiting to hear from the second committee review and was curious do they send out just an acceptance letter or a full packet initially?

I am anxiously awaiting news and it should be any day now!

Specializes in Oncology, Hospice.
Nope, I haven't! I am thinking this week too.. we should know by the 20th at the latest... good luck!!
Any mail yet TxGirl912?!

Nope! How about you??

Specializes in Oncology, Hospice.
Nope! How about you??
Nothing yet! anxiety is at an all time high...I'm going to get in, I'm not going to get in! Another person wrote on my post regarding Fall 2012 Cohort and said she received a packet yesterday!! I am wondering if she is local or out of state...she also was deferred to our committee review because her transcript was delayed, makes sense she heard first.

Hi! I just heard and I got in!! Anyone else???


Hi, I got in for Fall 2012 (so excited), but I have a question for someone who is already in the program or at least knows some details.

I got in but am missing two prerequisites: A&P 2 and microbiology. I planned to take them both at a local community college, but microbiology was full 2-3 minutes after registration began. I told the professor my situation, but she said all I could do was come on the first day and hope someone drops the course. I will be doing that, but does anyone know if I can still get in and take microbiology while in the ABSN program? I have heard that you can still enter with an outstanding prerequisite, but I am unsure if it matters which ones you are missing. I'd appreciate any input!

Specializes in Oncology, Hospice.
Hi! I just heard and I got in!! Anyone else???

Oh no! This is not good....I haven't received any mail yet...:( I am wondering if I didn't get in then? Are you guys local or in a neighboring state to VA, DC or MD?

I live in MD and didn't just no mail today! I am hoping tomorrow...

Congrats to everyone else who has gotten in!I'm the applicant TxPatients mentioned upthread, whose application was delayed by a late transcript. I'm local to the NoVa area & perhaps that played a part in when my acceptance letter arrived.Is everyone here attending MU in the fall, or are you debating between several programs? I was, but have decided on Marymount, given their proximity & transferring all of my prerequisite courses. Shenandoah University was a close second, but I would have needed to take another class over the summer.

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