how many more months?

World International


helo to all and especially who applied to nybon..

i passed my application last december 2006..

and now, its been 6 months of waiting..

i received an email notifying me that they received all the requirements..

and they are "ready for review"..

how many more months do i need to wait for my eligibility??

does anybody know?

and its after i receive my eligibility that i can register to pearsonvue to get an ATT. am i right?

yes, you can only register person's vue once you are made eligible.

recommend to read suzanne's primer about nclex. good luck.

It takes approximately 8 months to ge the CVS completed, NY will not do a thing without that in their hands.

Usually allow several weeks before they will issue the eligibility, they have to process thousands of applications. And this is once they have the CVS as well as your application on file.

thank you so much for your response ms suzanne.

i passed the application forms (both cvs and ny nclex application forms) together. meaning at the same day. hope it doesn't matter.

so i might probably be taking nclex exam soon. thank God.

does eligibility letter come by ground mail?

It takes about eight months on average to get the CVS completed. Does not matter when you send the application to NY, they will not do anything with it until they have received the CVS from CGFNS. And then it is about a month before you will get permission to sit for the exam.

You are still looking at about two months plus more to get the CVS done, and then another month before you will get the ATT.

Not sure if you are aware that it is almost impossible to get petitioned for NY in a will be working in a nursing home only with 30 to 60 patients per shift that you are responsible for. Just wanted to make sure that you are aware of that.


Me and my friends all applied for NYBON, mine took 9months to get the ATT, a friend 11months, another 13 months, and another, believe or not, 15months and counting. I made a lot of follow ups thats probably why mine was faster. Thus, I suggest you do the same.

I agree with suzanne4, there are very few hospitals that wil sponsor you. Most sponsorship will be done thru agencies and nursing homes. But if you really want to work in a NY hospital be persistent and you will find one.

A few downsides for NY: most nusring jobs are 8hour shifts so you will be working 5 days a week, you will be the one to spend for the legal fees, high taxes so that your NET income will be equal or lower than other states, and high cost of living.

Unless the nurse has significant experience already, or they are known to the facility because of the OPT, or as an exchange nurse from their country, it is going to be almost impossible to get petitioned from a hospital there.

You would be much better off going thru one of the surronding states to NY. And can get thru things much faster, and can then just commute to NY when you want and have lower rents and taxes.

thank you very much.

yes i really want to work in new york and i have a relative too living in new york. i have been to new york for a vacation and i really loved that place.

in my cgfns, it says it is ready for submission. hope i can get it soon.

i have a question. my friend recently applied to new york. i got confused by her. She told me that new york requires CG qualifying exam. as far as i know, cg qualifying exam is not needed anymore. which is which??

and does it mean that if you have CG qualifying exam, you dont need CVS anymore or vice versa?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
thank you very much.

yes i really want to work in new york and i have a relative too living in new york. i have been to new york for a vacation and i really loved that place.

in my cgfns, it says it is ready for submission. hope i can get it soon.

i have a question. my friend recently applied to new york. i got confused by her. She told me that new york requires CG qualifying exam. as far as i know, cg qualifying exam is not needed anymore. which is which??

and does it mean that if you have CG qualifying exam, you dont need CVS anymore or vice versa?

you do not need CGFNS exam just CVS for NY but always best to check their website for up to date information

thanks silverdragon102 =)

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